Page 18 of A Tinsel Tale

“Ba…ba… Bobby,” he gets out between sobs. “Is Mommy okay?”

“We’re going to take good care of your mommy, I promise. First, we need to get you both out of here,” I say. In the distance I hear the sirens of reinforcements on their way… hopefully paramedics and surely state boys. I breathe a sigh of relief. The kid appears to be stable, but his mom doesn’t look too good.

“Can you cover your face with your arms… like this?” I say demonstrating. “Can you do that for me? We have to break the window so we can get you and your mom out.”

Still red-faced and crying, he buries his head in his arms while Deacon busts the driver’s side window. He reaches in to check for a pulse, and I wait. Deacon nods. “Got one.” I breathe a huge sigh of relief. My crew employs hydraulic rescue tools, using the spreader to wedge the driver side door open as far as they can, but it’s not enough. They switch to the cutter and remove the door entirely. Since the driver is unconscious and the child appears stable, she’s the priority. Time is of the essence, and they work quickly and efficiently to extract the unconscious woman. Thankfully she has a steady pulse, and the paramedics take over transferring her to a gurney before hustling to the waiting ambulance. I jump inside the van and lean over and grab his hand.

“Mommy!” Bobby says in a panic. I overhear the medics mention airlift, so I know she’ll be transported by helicopter to a larger hospital once they reach the local one. That leaves me with the kid who is gripping my hand like I’m his lifeline.

“They’re taking her to the hospital where the doctors are gonna take good care of her. I guess you’re stuck with me for now.” As the ambulance pulls away with lights and siren, screaming, Bobby panics again and cries out for his mother.

“You want your mom to get help, right?” He nods solemnly, his watery blue eyes looking at me with terror, but also clinging like I’m his savior.

“Are you going to leave me?” he says. Man, that chokes me up, not gonna lie. I just want to gather this kid up in my arms and take away this nightmare.

“Not for a million bucks, kiddo. I’m right here. I’ll stick to you like a burr on a horse’s tail. You’re going to get to ride in an ambulance, sirens… the whole bit. I’ll be right beside you, okay little man?” He nods. Big eyes like saucers stare up at me. “Have you ever been in an ambulance before?”

His voice is so small it’s barely audible as he answers, “No.”

“It goes fast, and the sirens are loud, but they let everyone know we’re coming. Nothing to worry about.” I nod at Sam. “My buddy here is going to drive. Sam knows what he’s doing. Right, Sam?”

“Heck yeah!”

“Hang in there, we’ve almost got you out.” I continue talking, trying to distract him from the chaos. “Do you have a dog or cat?” Bobby’s lip quivers and his eyes are still full of unshed tears, but he shakes his head no. Sam and Deacon continue to cut through metal then peel it back to get to the boy. When they see it’s not enough, they change tactics and begin to remove the driver’s seat which is what has him pinned.

Deacon says, “You should meet Jamie’s dog, Huxley. He’s the smartest dog in the world.”

“He is?” His wide eyes look at me full of innocence and curiosity. It punches me right in the gut knowing his mom might not make it, and he’s putting his faith in me and my bros.

I grin trying to swallow my own pessimism. “Pretty much. You know what he did the other day?” He shakes his head again. “I fell asleep on my couch and left him outside and he actually rang my doorbell. Can you believe that? I never taught him how to do that.” The little boy giggles and his face lights up for a moment and I feel so much love for this kid. I send up a silent prayerPlease let his mom make it.Deacon wrestles with the seat and it finally comes free and we’re able to get Bobby out. Since the paramedics left with Bobby’s mom, his care and trip to the hospital is on us.

We transfer him to our squad, and I immediately get him comfortable, then begin checking his vitals and start an assessment. I talk to him calmly throughout the exam and by the time we pull up to the hospital he’s pretty chill. I have a chat with the nurse and pass on all the info to the healthcare team at the hospital. She pulls me aside to tell me that Bobby’s dad has been notified and he’s on his way. Apparently, they’re separated, and he lives an hour away. “He should be here any minute,” she says as we return to Bobby.

“Bobby, this is Katie. She’s your nurse and is going to take over from here.”

“No! You promised you wouldn’t leave me.”

“You’re not wrong. I did tell you I’d stay with you. Now we’re at the hospital and it’s time for the nurses and doctors to take over. They know a lot more than me about boo boos, but even better, your dad is on his way.”

“He can’t come. He’s at work.”

“Not true, he’s on his way and will be here any minute. Right Katie?”

“Yes,” she agrees.

He starts crying again. “You sa…a…id you wouldn’t leave me. I want my mommy.”

I look at the nurse who gives me a sympathetic smile then says, “You know what Bobby, I’ll bet Jamie here will come back and see you after the doctors examine you. Right Jamie?”

“How about this,” I say, “I’ll go find a candy machine… what’s your favorite?”

“Skittles,” he says through tears.

“Ok, first choice Skittles, what’s your second favorite just in case?”

“Reese’s Pieces.”

“Ok. You go with Nurse Katie, and I’ll find the candy machine. After the doc checks you out, I’ll hand deliver the candy.”