“I’m glad you’re here and get to see it. Let’s go catch the game.”
When we get back to the den the game is in full swing. The only seats left are beside Dee on the couch and there is barely room for one butt… let alone two. Dee waves me over and scooches closer to Caleb to make room. “Sit,” she says patting the plush cushion. I plop down next to Dee and sink, getting swallowed up by the couch.
“I’ll go grab us another beer,” Jamie says taking my empty cup.
When he returns, he hands me the beer and to my surprise and consternation Jamie squeezes in right next to me.Oh my God, oh my God… this can’t be happening.I pretend to be unbothered butoh my, am I ever bothered. We are squished together like canned sardines, and I am engulfed by his scent, his toned arms and bulging thighs pressed against mine. My stomach feels like I’m bungy jumping off Mount Everest. My mouth has dried up, so I take a huge gulp of my fresh beer and of course it goes down the wrong pipe and I choke.
Jamie presses his lips close to my ear and drawls, “You alright, Chicago?” I nod as I continue coughing, my face growing hot. He pats me on the back. So embarrassing. When my coughing fit is over, he places his large, tanned hand on my thigh and squeezes. I hear the game and all the voices around me but it’s like I’m insulated from it all and there is only Jamie and me. I’m mesmerized by the hand resting on my thigh and by the cadence of his voice as he talks trash with a Buckeye fan. It’s like a deep rumble that ripples through my body, settling in my girl parts and setting me on fire. Cymbals are crashing south of my belly button so I down half of my beer in one long slug.Liquid courage, do your thing.
I relax when he finally removes his hand from my thigh. It’s short lived, though, as he snakes his arm behind me and rests it along the back of the couch across my shoulders. So now I’m smooshed into his armpit, with his hand dangling casually by my side. I force myself to breathe. Dee gives me a side-eyed look and I narrow my eyes daring her to comment. She smirks then cheers when the Wolverines intercept the ball.
Jamie is unconsciously circling his fingers against my arm while talking animatedly to my dad, who has pulled up a chair next to us. I cannot give in. I refuse to let myself enjoy his touch. I willnotthink about how long it’s been since I’ve been held. Iwillignore my traitorous body that is thrumming with need… craving more.
I’m getting a slight buzz from the beer and it’s making me feel kind of loosie goosy. Feels pretty good. I’ve been wound so tight for so long. There is no reason in the world that I can’t relax a little. How long has it been since I’ve felt this at home in my own skin?Mm.It’s lovely really, kind of like I’m floating on a cloud, warm and fuzzy… I burrow in a little closer to Jamie and he shifts to pull me in tighter, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.Mm… so comfy. Yikes! My eyes go wide. I struggle to sit up, but the couch seems to have other ideas. I’m trapped. Between being sucked in by the overstuffed couch cushions and wedged between bodies, I can’t move. At least not gracefully or without spilling my beer. I dare a glance up at Jamie and we lock eyes until his drop to my lips. Sinful, carnal lust. I want it. I need it. I want him to kiss me.
“Going somewhere?” he whispers huskily.
Tank breaks the spell when he yells over the clamor, “Hey Evie, ready for a refill?” and the mood is broken. I nod vigorously. He takes my empty cup and returns minutes later with a refill. My third but who’s counting? I notice him and Jamie exchanging a meaningful glance and I guess it’s probably about me.
Again, I chug half the glass in one big gulp. It’s going down a bit too easyand my inhibitions are evaporating like a rain puddle on a hot day. I feel downright adventuress. And sultry.Have I ever felt this desirable before? Don’t think so.Sexay. I cover my mouth and giggle catching Dee’s attention. She looks at me curiously and I cross my eyes at her. She shakes her head and turns back to the game.
After I finish the third beer I have to pee. I tip my head up to look at Jamie. I’m inches away from his strong jaw and I have an almost irresistible urge to lick it. I’m consumed by all things Jamie. All five of my senses are engaged. Oh, I haven’t tasted him yet. Four out of five then. He looks like a god, smells of leather and spice, feels hard and muscular against my body and his deep voice resonates in my core. His lips are so close… tempting me, maybe it’s time for that taste.
“Evie?” he says huskily.
My eyes pop open. Oh yeah, I have to pee… like five minutes ago.
“Jamie?” I say huskily.
His eyes narrow. “You okay?”
I giggle. “I have to pee, and I’m stuck.”
He chuckles then stands, smoothly displaying the gracefulness of an athlete.Gaah. He hoists me from the soft cushion, and I giggle again. Dee looks at me frowning. I can’t remember giggling this much in forever. I repeat myself, announcing loudly, “I have to pee.”
“Need my help?” she asks.
“Sure. You can show me where the main bathroom is. That wasn’t part of my tour.” Dee stands and orders Caleb to save our spots then grabs my hand and drags me along behind her.
“Why are you looking at Jamie like he’s a steak dinner?”
I giggle again, then realize I’m really tipsy.What a lightweight. “I’m not,” I whine.
“Um… well you’re both doing it. Do you want me to sit between you?”
“That would be negatory, Captain,” I say, wobbling.
“Don’t say I didn’t try.” Dee pushes me into the bathroom then closes and locks the door behind us.
“I haven’t had this much fun in… well, forever,” I declare as I pull my pants down.
“How many beers have you had?” Dee says suspiciously.
“Who cares? You wanted me to have fun… now I am and you’re going to turn into my parole officer?”