Page 25 of Secret Billionaire


Faye had just regaled Maddy with the latest turn of events surrounding Jesse Carlisle, which had Maddy shaking her head in disbelief. “Can you explain to me how you could have been so upset with Jesse when you’ve been lying to him about your entire life? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?”

Faye sighed heavily. “I know, I saw red and it clouded my thinking…I was so embarrassed… in my own defense, I didn’t stay upset for very long.”

Arms folded across her chest, Maddy said, “I’m not trying to be overbearing here, but you’d better fess up to him, and soon, or you’re going to blow it!”

“Blow what?” Faye said, feigning innocence.

“Yeah right. As if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Hot guy, major chemistry, I’ve haven’t seen you this alive since you moved back.”

Hugging herself she said, “He is pretty wonderful.”

“Well then…”

Fidgeting nervously, she said, “I just can’t. It’ll change everything…and what am I supposed to do? Just blurt out ‘Oh by the way Jesse, I forgot to mention, I’m an heiress to billions’?”

“Yes. I get that some guys couldn’t handle it, but if he’s that guy, he’s not the one for you anyway. In my opinion it’s not that big a deal. The bigger deal is your coverup.”

“I just feel like it’s nobody’s business anyway. I do feel bad that I lied about my real name, but why would I go around and talk about my family’s riches? Who does that?”

“Whatever. You’re going to do whatever you want anyway, why should I waste my breath?”

“I’m sorry Maddy. I know you mean well, but it’ll be fine. You’ll see.” Faye reached out and squeezed her friend’s arm.

“I hope so. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

“I know.”

“I don’t see the difference between what you were so angry about with him and this. If I were him, I’d want to know the truth. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Not really. Basically, I’m winging it, but hopefully he’ll understand. We need a little more time getting to know each other without money entering into the picture. You know that money pushes buttons, the way people think and feel about it is complicated. It’s one of the biggest issues in most marriages and divorces…I want him to get to know me, being just me, Faye LeBlanc. I kind of like it. I wish it could stay this way forever.”

“When you put it that way, I guess I kind of get your point. So when do I get to meet this guy?”

“Since it’s your day off tomorrow, why don’t you come into the bar? I can’t have my bestie left out.”

“If you’re sure you trust me not to mess up. I’ll pick up barbecue for all of us from Smokies and we can hang out.”


“What time?”

“Make it noon. I’m nervous for you to meet him.”

Maddy grinned. “I’m nervous because I’m afraid I’m going to blow your cover.”

“Just remember, it’s all really early, who knows what’s going to happen. We have a strong attraction for sure, but it could fizzle out.”

Maddy smirked, “Keep telling yourself that.”

“Just don’t make a big deal out of it.”

“Course not. I’m heading to bed. I’ll see you at noon tomorrow. Keep it down in the morning because I’m sleeping in.”

“Lucky you. See ya and don’t say anything to embarrass me!”

Maddy’s eyes gleamed, “Would I do something like that?”