Jesse and Faye pulled into the bar parking lot about a quarter till noon.
When they stepped into the bar, the previous night’s chaos still awaited them.
“Apparently the cleaning fairies had better things to do while we were sleeping. I was hoping for a miracle but it’s just as bad as I remembered,” Faye said.
“We’ll have it done in no time.”
“I’ll start by cleaning the tables and then I’ll do the dishes before I tackle scrubbing the floors.”
“Where do you want me?” Jesse said.
“Let’s keep our minds out of the bedroom,” she teased, eyes twinkling.
“Just the way I like my women…insatiable.” Grinning he playfully pulled her against him and kissed her.
She kissed him back then stilled. “I swear I never knew it could be like this. I’ve never considered myself to be overly sexual, not that I didn’t like sex, but I’ve never fantasized continuously about someone like I do with you.”
“I feel like a horny teenager…it doesn’t suck,” Jesse said.
She giggled, then pulled away to begin the dreaded cleanup.
“I’ll round up the trash and take it out to the dumpster. Then I’m going to sacrifice myself for love and clean the bathrooms.”
“No way!”
“Yes, I’ll do it… for you.”
“How about you do the guys’ bathroom, since we know how careless y’all can be with your aim.”
“Hey, don’t lump us all together. I told you my mama raised me right.”
“I’m sure that’s true and all, but I’d rather clean ten women’s restrooms than just one of the mens’.”
“You know when you look at me with those big baby blues, I’d say yes to about anything.”
Faye watched him disappear out the back door lugging the recyclables first. She grabbed a rolling cart and plastic tub from the storage room and began loading it with the empty bottles and glasses from the barroom, wiping the tables off as she cleared them.
Jesse suddenly reappeared, his face drained of color.
“Jesse! What’s wrong?”
“Faye, I need for you to sit down. We have a situation.”
Her face blanched, “Is it Ty? What? Tell me!”
“Faye, when I went out back to take the trash out… I don’t know how to say this…there is a dead body floating right off the dock.”
Faye’s hand flew to cover her mouth. “Oh my God, who? Is it anyone we know?”
His voice grim he said, “It’s not good. It’s the guy from last night. Dave, the one Ty had the altercation with. I’m going to call the police now.”
“Wait! Are you sure its him? How do you know?” Faye was babbling and she knew it but couldn’t seem to stop herself. “Why here? How did he die? I’m going out to look.”
“No!” Jesse shouted, grabbing her arm as she started for the door. “Faye, just no. Trust me, you don’t need to see it. I’m going to be having nightmares for the next ten years—why would you want to subject yourself to that?”
“I need to get ahold of Ty before he gets here. I don’t want him walking into a scene without a warning,” Faye said, pulling out her cell.