That was the fuse that lit the fire, Ty exploded. He tackled the man off his bar stool then jumped on top of him. He pounded his face with both fists as the guy fought back. They rolled around on the floor each trying to gain the upper hand, but the old man was no match for Tyler. Jesse and Faye hearing the commotion and shrieks from customers came running out from the back.
“Tyler!” Faye squealed. “Get off him!”
Jesse tried pulling Ty off but with adrenalin on Ty’s side, it was a struggle. He was finally able to grip him around his waist and lift him off. Faye was visibly shaking as she knelt beside the bleeding man trying to help him up off the floor.
His lip was cut and bleeding and his nose looked like it could be broken. He swiped the blood off on his arm and Faye yelled for Addison to get some towels and ice.
Jesse had hauled Tyler to the back and was making sure he stayed put.
“I’m going to sue you and this bar for everything ya got, ya hear me?’ he screamed, his face red with anger.
Faye winced, “I’m so sorry this happened. But why did you come back anyway? We never should have let you through that front door. You’re nothing but trouble. Sue if you like but I’m sure you’d rather avoid the attention.”
“What I’d like is the money that two-bit dealer owes me.”
“Get out or I’ll call the police. If you need medical care, I’ll call the squad and you can wait outside for it.”
Jesse came out from the back with a subdued but angry Ty following. “You heard her, get the hell out unless you want me to call the police.”
Ty stood behind Jesse with his arms folded across his chest and wearing an expression of utter contempt.
“You disgust me…you’re a vile excuse for a human,” Ty said.
“Ty…enough,” Faye said firmly.
“I’m leaving but you haven’t seen the last of me.” He held the ice pack wrapped in the bloodied white towel to his face as he shuffled out the door.