Page 92 of Secret Billionaire


“Well I think we’ve got everything checked off the list. Ty said he’d help Maddy out in the kitchen with the pizza orders in between busing tables. Maddy said she could help wait tables too, we can put her wherever we need her.” The kitchen was functional, but Faye was only going to serve frozen pizzas and nachos until she could hire a cook.

“You and me behind the bar, Ty bussing and helping Mads, Addison waiting tables, we should be able to handle it. Thank God your seating capacity is only sixty, plus the twelve at the bar,” Jesse said.

Faye looked around at all they’d accomplished. The deck was stunning. It had thousands of twinkle lights strung across the overhang, gigantic urns with colorful annuals and vines trailing down, and hurricane lanterns on each table. He’d built the outside bar counter under the arbor, which had potted Morning Glories full of blooms trailing up and providing splashes of color. The deck bar would only be used for catered private parties for now. And of course, there was the view—waterfront, right on the marina.

“You are so beautiful,” Jesse said, his eyes roaming over her in her long navy tube skirt and fitted white crop top. Her arms were bare, and she’d left her hair down to fall thick and wavy around her shoulders. She had silver bangles around her wrist and a delicate chain around her exposed waist that was sexy as hell. Her ankle bracelet jingled with every step she took. He wanted to trail kisses from her belly down the curve of her hips to her rounded ass before carrying her off to his cave.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “Quit looking at me like that or I’ll have to change my underwear.”

“Damn, you wore underwear?”

She dimpled as her lips curved up.

“Hey y’all we’re here,” Tyler called out, holding hands with Addison as they came through from the back room.

Jess and Faye exchanged an amused glance. “Hey you two. I’m just getting ready to open. Ty you want to put the open sign out for me?”

“Sure.” He tugged on Addison’s hand, pulling her along behind him.

Jesse said, “That was quick.”

“They’re young. They look cute together.”

“They look like they can’t keep their hands off each other.”

Faye arched a brow, “Remind you of anyone?”

He gave her his big sexy smile and winked as Ty and Addy returned ready for their instructions.

“Mike Taylor is going to start setting up at six and play from eight to midnight,” Faye said.

Addison said, “He played at the last place I worked. He’s really good.”

“I heard him play at the Yacht Club a few times, that’s how I knew about him,” Faye said.

Ty and Jess gave each other a look, Ty added an eyeroll for posterity.

“I saw that,” Faye said.

Ty’s eyes widened in mock innocence, “What I’d do?”

She glared at him and playfully punched his arm. The door opened and their first customers arrived, a group of six who opted to sit at the bar. Jess stepped behind the bar and began serving.

Faye watched him with hungry eyes. She’d never grow tired of seeing him charm the pants off everyone he encountered. His wide toothy grin, his warm eyes, his playfulness and sense of fun, and for now anyway, he was hers. She was in love. Love! It hit her like a ton of bricks. This was no crush…no affair… this was the forever, fairytale kind of love. The one she hadn’t thought really existed six months ago. She was in danger of losing herself completely to this man. Who was she kidding? Losing? She was already lost.

Her hands shook slightly with this sudden realization. Taking a couple deep slow breaths to calm her nerves, she plastered a welcoming smile on her face then went to greet the new arrivals. The guests were now lined up waiting to be seated, and she decided to help Addison with the tables until she was needed behind the bar. Jesse had everything under control.

As she was returning from seating customers outside, her eyes widened when she saw Kyle, Ella and Griffin along with Griffin’s latest arm candy walking in. Her eyes strayed immediately to Jesse. Too soon. They’d barely got through the most recent family drama and here they were. Oh well… there was nothing she could do but suck it up and hope for the best.

“Hey! You made it,” Faye said.

“Hey sis, the place looks great,” Kyle said approvingly.

“Thanks to Jesse. Please make sure you’re extra nice; we’ve barely recovered from Dad’s attack last week.”

Kyle grimaced, “That’s one of the reasons we’re here. To celebrate with you of course, but also to offer an olive branch to both him and Ty. We’re only going to have a pre-dinner cocktail. We’ve got dinner reservations at the club.”