Tyler came in with an armful of local tourist guide periodicals and excitedly thrust one at Faye.
“Look who made the front page!”
Faye squealed when she saw the photograph of the three of them perched around the statue. She tried to push aside the ache in her chest remembering that day, when things were still good between her and Jess.
“Let’s put some of these on the table right next to Sasquatch,” Faye said.
“Wait till Jesse see’s this. Speaking of…is he coming in today?”
“As far as I know. That’s what he said the other day.”
“So the schmuck hasn’t called you?”
“Nope. I wasn’t expecting him to.”
The door opened at that exact moment and Jesse stepped through. A wave of longing hit Faye. Jesse’s eyes blazed with raw hunger and he only had eyes for Faye.
“Look what the cat drug in,” Ty said dryly.
Jesse nodded at Ty then walked toward them. “Faye.” His eyes searched hers intently.
“Hey Jess.”
“I’m back.”
“I see that.”
Clearing his throat, Tyler said, “Maybe I’ll go take the trash out.”
Jesse reached for her hand and turned her palm up before planting a soft kiss in the center. “Forgive me Faye.”
Her palm tingled where his lips had just been. “I do, but damn you, nothing has changed.”
“I just needed to process the whole thing.”
“Feels different when it’s on the other foot doesn’t it Jess? We could have worked through it together.”
His voice was tight with pent up emotion. “I know, I realize that now. But that’s what I’m trying to do now. Faye, I don’t want to lose you, ever. I don’t give a fuck if your father approves or not.”
“You hurt me Jess.”
“I know I did. I’m sorry.”
“I’m embarrassed at the way my father handled himself.”
“I didn’t handle it so great myself. I let him get to me. Maybe you’ll never be able to understand…I’m not sure I completely understand myself, but he managed to find my weakest spot and attack me there. It was sudden and unexpected. I was trying to wrap my head around the posh surroundings…felt completely out of my depth, then he went all in. Hit me right in my gut.” He gave her a lopsided grin, “At least Ty was spared, that’s some consolation.”
“He would have probably been next, if we hadn’t left. I hate the way you just disappeared on me, but I shouldn’t have left your side.”
Jesse pulled Faye into his arms and buried his nose in her fragrant hair. “You’re right. I need you right by my side,” Jesse kissed her softly.
Faye melted into his body, parting her lips. She brushed her fingers across the smooth skin of his neck then ran them through his hair. She closed her eyes as he planted tiny kisses all over her face.
“Mm you smell so good.” His tongue licked her bottom lip before sucking it gently into his mouth. Her pulse fluttered as his tongue flicked against her lips.
Faye took his hand and led him back to her office. She closed the door and locked it then turned to stand on her tiptoes, kissing him softly on the lips. His eyes were warm pools of honey as he slipped his hands under her shirt. Faye opened her mouth inviting him to deepen the kiss. Her knuckles grazed his toned belly as she snuck her hand down the waistband of his jeans, smiling when she found him fully erect.