Page 89 of Secret Billionaire

Faye smiled sadly, “I’m not so sure about that. More importantly, what they don’t tell you in the romance novels is that sometimes love isn’t enough.”

“It’s enough. It takes courage is all.”

“Ty, how did you get to be so old?”

He looked away, then back at her, “Faye, don’t give up on Jess. He’s one of the good ones. He’ll get it.”

She sighed, “I hope you’re right.”

“Should I start filling the coolers?”

“Yes, then if you’d go pick up some extra ice at the beverage dock to tide us over until Friday’s delivery, that’d be great.”


“And Ty?”

He turned and raised an eyebrow. “You are one of the good ones!”

He grinned, “Faye, you’re so extra.” Then he left her sitting there trying to figure out exactly what he’d meant by that. She’d have to download a slang app onto her phone to keep up.

* * *

Jesse and Stan leaned over the drafting table, studying a blueprint. Jesse scratched his head then said, “I triple checked this floorplan, there has to be a mistake, the electrical layout included all the extras for a theater room.”

Stans brow furrowed as he ran his finger across the sheet, “Yep, there it is,” Stan said pointing to those details. “We fucked up on our end. Sorry Jess. That’ll cost us two extra days of work, but at least we caught it before the customers did.”

“Yeah, no biggie. Otherwise, everything else seems to be humming along.”

“I miss our bromance is all,” Stan said grinning.

“You’re coming to the grand opening on Saturday, right?”

“Yep, we all are. Wouldn’t miss it.”

“Great…or as Ty would say, dope.”

“Ty working out then?”

“Real well. He may be joining our crew when all is said and done. He’s a natural. He’s been helping me out. Saved me from pulling the crew away from you.”

“On the job training from the best. We can use him, that’s for sure.”

“Let’s head over to the site and tell the guys the bad news about the do-over.”

“Sounds good. I’d like you to look over the model home; it’s about ready to display.”

Jesse rolled up the blueprint and wrapped a rubber band around it before stuffing it back into his backpack. “I’ll follow you on the bike.”

“Okay see you there.”

Jesse was satisfied with the way the projects were moving along. There was always some glitch. This electrical snafu was minor in the scheme of things. He didn’t know how he’d manage without Stan.