Page 86 of Secret Billionaire

“I’m coming with you. Griffin, Ella, please give Kyle and Mom our best, and please offer our apologies for running off so quickly.”

Finn’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. “You’re leaving? But you just got here.”

Ty crouched down and put his hands on Finn’s tiny shoulders. “Listen bro, I’ll see you again. You’ve got to practice those tricks I showed you with your puppy then report back to Aunt Faye. She’ll give me the low down. Maybe Faye can bring you around the bar to see me sometime soon.”

Finn just nodded his head staring glumly at the ground.

“Hey, give me a fist,” Ty said as he raised a clenched fist toward Finn. His irrepressible grin returned as he bumped his tiny fist against his newfound friend.

“See ya bro. Be good,” Ty said.

“See ya bro. Bye Aunt Faye.”

“Finny, I’ll see you soon.” Faye said.

“Okay. I’m sorry you’re sad Aunt Faye. Tell Jesse goodbye for me.”

Fighting back tears she said, “I will.”

* * *

They found Jesse waiting for them back in his truck, seat tipped back, music blaring, sunglasses concealing his eyes.

“Hey,” Faye said quietly as she climbed in beside him.

“Back so soon?”

“Jess, I’m so sorry.”

“Not your fault.”


“Drop it for now,” he said, his voice tight and controlled.


His jaw clenched, his words clipped and grim as he said,


Tears shimmered in Faye’s eyes, and she quickly swiped the back of her hand across them then turned to stare out her window.

Tyler stayed silent in the back seat, arms folded across his face, lips pressed tightly together.

The ride home was the longest fifteen minutes of Faye’s life. Her heart literally ached. Before getting out of the truck she tried one last time to get through to Jesse, “Jess, I never should have agreed to the party. I know how cruel my father can be.”

His face devoid of expression, Jesse waited for her to exit the vehicle.

She slipped out of the truck and ran inside. She stood in the foyer her back against the door. When she heard the truck peel out, she slid slowly down to the floor and buried her face in her hands, her body racked by sobs.

* * *

“That was salty bro,” Ty said.

Jesse ground his jaw and stared mutinously ahead.

“Did you see how shook she was?”