“Dad, where’s Jesse?”
“He stormed out of here after our conversation.”
Faye paled as she said through clenched teeth, “What did you say to him?”
“I was simply trying to have an honest conversation with him.”
“I don’t believe you. Jesse wouldn’t be run off by an honest conversation unless you said something offensive.”
“I’m your father. It is my job to protect you. I was trying to explain to him that it might prove difficult to accept your financial status and that he could end up feeling at a disadvantage at some point.”
“Faye there are certain realities that come with the kind of wealth you were born into. You’ve got to accept that you’re different than most people.”
“Different how? We’re human beings not commodities. Jesse is the most decent person I’ve ever met. His family welcomed me like I was one of their own.” Faye’s eyes welled up with tears. “Couldn’t you have done the same? If not for him then for me?”
“Faye be reasonable. Surely you can see my position?”
“No Dad, I can’t. Don’t you want me to be happy?”
“What kind of question is that. Of course, I want you to be happy.”
Griffin walked up with his beautiful date clinging to his arm, “Everything all right here?”
Faye couldn’t contain her vexation, “No it isn’t. Our dear devoted father just ran off the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Faye don’t be over dramatic. I simply wanted him to be aware of what he was walking into. I meant no harm.”
“He comes from a normal loving home, completely opposite of us. I can’t even imagine what he must have thought. Why couldn’t you have talked about golf or tried to get to know him?”
“You want to make me into the ogre, fine, but I’ve always tried to do what’s best for the family. You have no clue how vulnerable your wealth makes you because we’ve sheltered you. Look at Finn, just last year, kidnapped! He could have been killed! His own trusted nanny set him up with Tyler’s father—the one responsible! I’m his grandfather, how do you think I felt when I couldn’t even protect my own?”
Ella approached the group her forehead furrowed with concern when she saw Faye’s distress.
“I never should have left Jess alone with you!” Faye said to her father, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m so embarrassed right now.”
Ella looked from Faye to her father-in-law and back again. James Bennett at least had the decency to look slightly sheepish when Ella sized him up. He had enormous respect for Ella and he suddenly lost his swagger.
“Dad?” Ella said, one eyebrow arched.
He cleared his throat, “Just a slight misunderstanding.”
Griffin slung his arm across Faye’s shoulder and glared at their father. “I hope you’re right. I only caught the gist of the conversation, but in case you’re wondering about Jesse’s motives with regards to your daughter, I’ll fill you in. Our dear Faye here was so embarrassed by her family fortune, that Jesse didn’t even know she was a Bennett for the first six weeks they were together.”
At his fathers shocked expression, he continued, “Yeah, that’s right. Your daughter lied to him and gave him a fake name. She wanted to make it on her own. You know what else? He almost wouldn’t take her back when he found out she was a Bennett. He didn’t think he was good enough. You want to know what I think? We’re the ones that aren’t good enough!”
Tyler showed up with Finn following him like a puppy, his eyes dancing as he looked up at him with hero worship.
“Tyler said he’d take me for a ride on his motorcycle sometime and that he’d show me how to hunt crawfish!”
Ty, seeing Faye’s distress, looked suspiciously at James Bennett. Eyes narrowed, he said, “Where’s Jess?” He scanned the crowded poolside and said, “Faye, where is he?”
He searched her face taking in her glassy eyes. “He left.”
“He’d never leave us here. He’s probably waiting in the truck. I’m going to go find him.”