“Giselle, speak in English,” James interrupted.
Jesse pinched the bridge of his nose as he counted silently to ten. What an ass.
“Ty, she said you look like Dad and Kyle.”
His cheeks reddened as he replied, “Dope, I think.”
Giselle laughed and said, “Oui! It is a compliment. You are very handsome.”
Giselle took ahold of Ty and Faye’s hands and pulled them behind her saying “Come with me. I want you to meet Ella and Kyle told me to bring you to him the minute you arrived. Come along Finn.”
Ty looked back at Jesse and shrugged as he allowed himself to be led away. Faye’s forehead was creased with worry about leaving Jesse alone with her father. Jesse stayed silent, waiting for Mr. Bennett to speak first.
“You’re working for my daughter?”
“Yes, we’ve been renovating the outside of her bar and now I’m working on the kitchen.”
“Rumor has it that there is more to your relationship than contracted labor. Is that correct?”
“Yes sir. I care for your daughter.”
James Bennett steepled his fingers staring thoughtfully at Jesse. “And can you…Care for my daughter?”
“What are you referring to sir?”
“I think you understand what I’m asking.”
“You want to know if I can support her financially?”
“Yes, I hope you understand that I have to ask. A man in my position can never be too careful. I’ve learned that it’s best not to beat around the bush. I saw the way Faye was looking at you. She’s falling in love if she’s not, in fact, already there.”
“That would be an honor if it were true. Anyone would be lucky to have her attention, let alone her heart.”
“Do you really think it can work for the two of you? You know she is an heiress to billions, don’t you?”
“Unfortunately, I am aware of that fact.”
“Can you handle that? It comes with its fair share of, shall we say, baggage.”
“Honestly, it’s not ideal.”
“At the risk of sounding like an overprotective father, Faye has been taken advantage of by men before. She is way too trusting. I, on the other hand, am not.”
“I can assure you sir, I couldn’t care less about her money; in fact, for me it is an obstacle not an advantage.”
James Bennett’s lips twisted cynically, “I’ve been around the block a time or two, and excuse me if I seem a bit skeptical. I mean nothing personal; I only have my daughter’s best interests at heart.”
Jesse gritted his teeth, “I mean no disrespect sir, but it is personal. Your line of questioning is insulting, not only to me but to your daughter. I don’t give a damn whether you believe me or not, but I’d think that you’d have a little more faith in Faye. And if you’re implying that I have anything but Faye’s best interests at heart, you’re dead wrong.”
“If it’s true... that you have her best interests at heart, then maybe you should take a good hard look at the reality of your situation. That’s all I’m suggesting. Will you be able to provide for her and keep her in the lifestyle she’s accustomed to…or perhaps you’re willing to let her carry the financial burden for the two of you.”
“I think I’ve had enough of this conversation. Good talk Mr. Bennett.” As he was turning James Bennett’s parting shot stopped him in his tracks.
“And about this ‘grandson’ that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. His motives are highly suspect. I can only guess at how excited he must have been when he realized who his relatives were. I’m sure Faye has filled you in on the history there. His father is rotting in prison for kidnapping my grandson and blackmailing me.”
“I feel sorry for you. Whether you like it or not, Tyler has Bennett blood running through his veins. I’m sure that galls you to no end. Your grandson was dealt a bad hand and had to overcome more obstacles than you could ever imagine. He’s a great kid. Has a heart of gold and he’d do damn near anything to protect your daughter. He idolizes her. And you want to know something else? He didn’t want to come today. He has no interest in anything other than connecting with family. He only reached out to Faye because his mom was all he had growing up. He mistakenly thought life might be a little less harsh and lonely with the love of family. Ha! He’s better off without you anyway.”
Jesse thought he caught a brief look of doubt cross over James Bennett’s face before he turned and stormed back the way he had entered. He’d wait in the truck. If he stuck around any longer, he was afraid he’d do something he’d regret. Faye deserved better. But as furious as he felt, her father had just thrown gasoline on the kindling of doubt he’d had since he’d first found out who she really was. Mr. Bennett had managed to push almost every button Jesse had. Faye was a princess who’d grown up in a fairytale. How the hell could he ever measure up to that?