Page 83 of Secret Billionaire

Finn studied Ty, his face open and friendly. “Wow! Tattoos. I’m going to get a tattoo when I get bigger. Did it hurt?”

Tyler turned his forearm to expose the inside and said, “This one hurt a bit. Nothing I couldn’t stand though.”

“It’s a bird!”

“It’s actually a Phoenix.”

“What’s a Phoenick?”

“It’s like an eagle only mythical. I had it inked after I got out of juvie, it’s a symbol of rebirth.”

“What’s juvie?”

“Prison for kids.”

Finns eyes were huge saucers.

James Bennett, the patriarch, took that moment to appear. He had obviously overheard the tail end of the conversation and was decidedly unimpressed. “Do you really think that’s appropriate conversation for a seven-year-old?”

“When I was seven, I was dumpster diving. So yeah, I think he can handle it,” Ty said.

Jesse stifled a laugh and Faye over enthusiastically greeted her father. “Dad! You finally get to meet your grandson Ty!”

He stiffened then turned toward Ty. “I’m sure you’ll understand that this all came as quite a shock to our family. Pardon me if I’m not prepared to accept everything at face value.”

“Yeah we don’t want to shock the old man, it’s not as if he had any responsibility in any of this,” Griffin said sarcastically. “I’m going to get a stiff drink. The bar with the real drinks is over there,” he said pointing. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

James looked at Tyler’s tattoos disapprovingly.

Jesse felt his jaw tighten and for the second time in less than fifteen minutes, felt his fists clench.

“I think they’re really cool!” Finn said flashing his irresistible grin. He had no clue how relieved Faye was to have him there at that moment.

“And, this is Jesse,” Faye said, slipping her arm around Jesse’s waist.

James Bennett’s piercing eye’s sized Jesse up. “Hello. You’re the contractor I presume?”

“More like my hero,” Faye said correcting him. “If it weren’t for Jesse and Ty, I’d have had to close before I even got to the grand opening.”

“Now that would have been a blessing.”

“Ma fille chérie!”Faye heard her mom Giselle’s heavy French accent, as she came rushing over. Framing Faye’s face with her palms she searched her eyes before planting a kiss on each cheek.

“Mom!” Faye hugged her mom before turning her around to face the others.

“Ah, you must be the builder. Oh tu es si beau!” She said approvingly, looking Jesse up and down.

“She said oh you are so handsome,” Faye translated.

Jesse grinned and held her hand, raising it to plant a kiss on the back of it.

“Merci, Madame Bennett. I see where Faye gets her beauty.”

She laughed becomingly, “Ah but not only is he handsome but he is charmant as well.”

“Mom, this is Tyler.”

She greeted him as she had Faye, framing his face with her hands, studying him intently. “Tu ressembles mon mari et mon fils.”