Page 79 of Secret Billionaire


Jesse dropped Faye off at the bar and left to meet with Stan to go over some problems at a job site they were on. Faye frowned; she knew Ty was there, but the door was locked. As Faye struggled with her keys to unlock, she whirled around when a male voice called out her name—a voice she knew far too well.



“We have to talk.”

“Leave now or I’ll call the police.”

“You look so frightened. Please, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to beg you for another chance.”

“No. There is nothing you could say that would change the way I feel. The moment I saw you in bed with that student it was over. I don’t love you anymore. The police are looking for you. You’ve vandalized my property, you’ve been stalking me, you have to leave right this minute!”

“Not until you hear me out. I’ve come all this way. Then after you’ve heard what I have to say I’ll leave if you still want me too.”

“No! We’ve already had this conversation… its over Julian.”

His eyes were overly bright, and he looked strung out. Faye was struggling, way out of her depth here with how to play this. He didn’t have any obvious weapons and he’d never tried to physically harm her in the past. What if she just heard him out? They had been lovers once and had been happy for several years before his betrayal.

She knew he could see her caving because his shoulders relaxed, and his lips tilted up in a slight smile. “Faye, I know you and I know how kind and caring you are. It’s not like you to shut me out after all that we shared. I’ve missed you. My stupidity cost me everything. How could I have taken you for granted and lost the only person that has ever mattered to me?”

“Look, if I were the only thing that mattered, you wouldn’t have been tempted by your nineteen-year-old art student.”

“That was my dick, not my heart. That has always been yours.”

“Regardless, even if that’s true, I’ve changed, I can’t go back. Julian I’ve moved on and you have to do the same.”

Pacing now, he raked his fingers through his hair “I’ve tried. I can’t. I’m no good without you.”

Her mouth twisted, “Just go away. Leave me alone. Go back to New Zealand. Please. I’m happy now. If you truly loved me, you’d let me go.”

His fists clenched. “How can you even think like that? We’re soul mates.”

Faye blew out a breath, “Look we had our time together. It was fun while it lasted. You got to play the intellectual, I got to be your muse. Until I was replaced. It’s done. Over.”

“It’s not like that! It never was. When did you get to be so cynical?”

“Um let’s see…when my heart was shattered by finding the man I loved fucking another woman in our bed. That’s when!”

His eyes darted around and something dark crossed over his face. She felt a chill go down her spine. Pointing to the street she said shakily, “Go, now, or I call the police, I really mean it!”

His face reddened. “Faye, you’re making a huge mistake.”

“You’re the one making a mistake,” a steely voice said, coming out from behind the building.


He held his cell phone to his ear as he gave the dispatcher their address.

Julian glared at Ty. He glanced back at Faye and said, “I’ll be back. Think about what we had. No one will ever love you like I do.” He turned on his heels and jogged quickly away. By the time the police arrived he was long gone.

Faye gave the officers a rundown of what had transpired, and they left with a promise to patrol more frequently.

“A lot of good that’s going to do,” Ty grumbled.

“I’m glad you showed up.” Faye’s voice was trembling and her eye bright with unshed tears.