Page 77 of Secret Billionaire

“Let me put this in the kitchen, I’ll be right back.”

Ty returned and sat on a bar stool, hooking his feet around the chair legs.

“What’s up?”

“A couple of things. I just got off the phone with my brother Kyle. The PI he hired thinks he might have a lead on Julian. He’s getting close. That gives me some hope.” She hesitated, “The other thing is that he and Ella are having a barbecue at his place on Sunday, and you’re both invited. It’s casual, poolside, a chance for you to meet the family.”

Ty crossed his arms over his chest, “No thanks.”

Jesse said, “If I have to go, you have to go, bro. I need the moral support.”

“Nope. Find somebody else.”

“But Ty, please, it’s important to me,” Faye said.

Ty lifted an eyebrow, “It must be for you to ask me, after the way your brother treated me last time. What’s the big deal?”

“Kyle feels bad and wants to start fresh. I want you to be included…a part of the family because you are family.”

“Faye, you may feel that way, but that doesn’t mean everybody else is gonna accept me.”

“If they get to know you, they’ll love you, just the way that I do.”

His eyes flickered for a moment before he looked down. “Faye, it sounds all well and good, but I come from the wrong side of the tracks. I’m from the streets. I’ve got a record…I hardly fit in with the billionaire yacht club crowd.”

“Ty, neither do I!” Faye said. “But they’re my family. They’re yours too, whether you like it or not. The good the bad and the ugly.”

He scowled, “Faye, you’re living in a fantasy world if you think they’re gonna embrace a bastard nephew or grandson whose own father is rotting in prison.”

Jesse held up his hands and said, “Okay you two, can I get a word in here?”

Ty scowled at him and Faye blew out her breath and said, “Go ahead.”

Jesse rolled his eyes. “Gee thanks. Listen Ty, this is important to Faye. I’m not looking forward to being grilled either. I’m not exactly an aristocrat. But we may as well give it a try. At least you have blue blood running through your veins. The only blue I got is the blue-collar kind.”

Ty’s jaw remained clenched. “I’ll think about it.”

“Promise?’ Faye asked.

“I said I would think about it.” He got off the stool and marched out the front door.

“Nice talk,” she yelled at his retreating back. “That went well.”

“Look if I’m intimidated, imagine how he feels. I’ve got a few more miles on my tires and a solid upbringing. It must push every button he has.” Jesse walked over and slung his arm across her shoulders. “Don’t take it personal. I think he’ll come around.”

“Honestly, I’m just as nervous as he is but I want him to be part of the family. He deserves to be acknowledged and accepted.”

“I know your intentions are good Faye, but you have to let go of the outcome. People are people. Everyone has baggage and not everyone plays well together in the sand box. Ty has a lot to overcome and he confided in me about his first meeting with your brother. That sure as hell didn’t pave the way for a loving family reunion.”

“I know, but I also know Kyle. He has a good heart underneath his heavy armor. He’s always had my back and then some. He knows this is important to me and he always ends up doing the right thing. He feels bad about that first meeting. And as much as I hate to admit it, I understand why he reacted the way he did. It was kind of sprung on him.”

“If you say so. So, tell me what I’m in for?”

Her lips twisted, “My parents will be there. I know my father’s been asking about you. He is very protective of the family’s reputation…much more than his actual family. What can I say? He’s a control freak, but he’s still my dad.”

“I know that, and I want to meet him. I’m a big boy. You don’t have to protect me Faye.”

“He can be a bully.”