“I saw it was open. The Pelican, right?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“You two seem to have something more going on. Does this mean you’re off the market again?”
He glanced over at Faye and caught her glaring before she pulled herself out of the water and headed back toward the house.
“You could say that. Listen Kelly, I’ve got to go.”
“My loss. Lucky girl. It’s no secret that I’ve had a crush on you since I was ten. Let me know if you’re ever up for more than a friendship.”
“You know I care about you Kelly. You’re one of my best friends and always will be, I hope anyway.”
“No doubt. Go get her.”
Jesse jumped out of the pool and went after Faye who had almost made it to her car.
“Nice car!” Jesse said when he caught up with her. Silence.
“Faye talk to me.”
“Jesse, there’s nothing to say. You don’t owe me anything. I’m the one who said we could only be friends. You’re a free agent.”
“But that’s just it. I’m not. You’re the only one I want. Kelly is just an old friend.”
“It sure looked like more than that from where I sat.”
“Probably, but I’m telling you the truth.”
“Does your friend Kelly know all this?”
“Yes, I just reminded her of it. She told me to ‘go get her’ as you were stomping away.”
“I was not stomping, thank you very much!”
Jesses eyes twinkled, “Yeah, you seem to have some problems with ole greenie don’t ya?”
Her eyes narrowed dangerously, “You seem to have a death wish.”
He laughed out loud. Pulling her against his chest he said, “Listen, let’s just see where this thing takes us. We’ll go real slow. I promise. Just don’t close yourself off from me again. Please Faye.”
She bit her lip, eyes bottomless pools of deep blue. “I guess we have no other choice, truth be told. I can’t fight this anymore. It’d be like the ocean trying to fight the pull of the moon.”
“Well said. Now about that kiss…” Jesse leaned down and covered her mouth with his. He plundered desperately, as she gripped his hair tightly in clenched fingers.
When he finally lifted his head, they were both breathing heavily. “I’d better get back to the party. Why don’t you come back for some seafood boil?”
“I think I need to go home and rest up for tomorrow. I had a lovely time. Please tell your folks I said thank you.”
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. And Faye?”
“You know I’m crazy about you, don’t you?”
“I’m kinda counting on that.”
He ran his thumb across her bottom lip then opened her car door. When she looked up at him with that sultry look, he groaned. “Stop looking at me like that or all bets are off on taking it slow.”
“Bye Jess. Be good.”