Hank set up a lawn chair for Faye on the sidelines. “Do you play?” Hank asked her.
“Sort of. By the looks of things not nearly good enough for this crowd.”
He guffawed. “Looks can be deceiving. Don’t let ’em intimidate you. They’re just a bunch of showoffs.”
Faye laughed, already liking Big Hank as much as she did Ruby. Jesse was so lucky. He took that moment to look over and caught sight of Faye. He froze on the spot missing a ball coming right at him that landed on the ground at his feet. His teammates groaned, while the other team gave each other high fives. She felt a longing to touch him. His eyes blazed with hunger as they met hers. The ball was in play again, so Jesse turned his attention back to the game.
The brunette beauty was practically under his feet and Faye wanted to scream. Did she have to be so touchy feely? She was doing exactly what Faye wished she was doing right now. Putting her hands all over that hunk of perfection. Jesse called a time out and jogged over to where Faye was seated.
His eyes were golden amber flames and the natural highlights in his hair glinted like copper in the bright sunlight. Her heart raced as he approached. Swallowing hard, she stood up when he reached her side.
“You made it.” His voice was low and husky.
“Yes. Looks like I’m out of my league though.”
He didn’t miss her double entendre, glancing back over his shoulder at the girl. “Hardly. There’s nobody in your league babe. Are you ready to jump in the game? I’m sure somebody’s ready for a break.”
“Sure. I’ll give it a try.”
He took her hand in his and led her over to the court. “Hey, everybody this is Faye. She’s a Carlisle party virgin. Make her feel welcome! Who’s ready for a break?”
His sister-in-law, from the opposing team, quickly volunteered and said, “Here please take my spot. Hi Faye, I’m Jen, with that guy in the flashy Hawaiian trunks.” Jen nodded her head toward Dylan. “That’s Connor in the back corner getting ready to serve.”
Jesse said, “That means you’ll be siding with my patronizing older brothers. But whatever. Dylan is your team captain.”
Dylan winked at Faye. “We’re going to kick some ass. Jump on in.”
Faye smiled, taking over Jen’s position in the sand. Connor served and the ball was in play. After several minutes Faye was warmed up and comfortable throwing herself into the game. Normally not competitive, the brothers had her fired up, and she found herself aggressively spiking the ball over the net whenever she had the opportunity.
Jesse had lost his ability to concentrate on the game with Faye on the other side of the net distracting him. Those mile-long legs in cutoff jean shorts had his full attention. He’d already messed up some easy plays and his teammates were beginning to razz him.
“Dude, maybe you should take a time out. You’re killing us!”
“Yeah we were ahead!”
Dylan was overjoyed with this turn of events. “Faye so glad you could join us!” He said grinning.
Faye was up to serve. She winked at her team captain and said, “Whatever it takes.” Then easily lobbed the ball right to Jesse who just managed to pass it to a teammate.
At this point Jess couldn’t wait for the game to be over so he could be close to Faye. When his team finally lost after giving up their huge lead, he couldn’t have cared less. Everyone carried their hot and sweaty bodies to the huge in-ground pool and jumped in to cool off.
Jesse watched Faye dive underwater, looking like a sea nymph. She emerged next to him, water droplets trickling down her face and chest, tempting Jesse to lick them off. In the end, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. He pulled her slick body against his and her eyes widened when she felt his erection press into her.
He blew out a breath, “Faye, what am I going to do about you?”
Her breath was quick and shallow, and her eyes were burning with want. His throat tightened. All the background noise and laughter disappeared, only the two of them existed. He dipped his head and pressed his lips softly against hers. She kissed him back then pushed playfully at his chest and ducked underwater to pull his legs out from under him.
He took in a big mouthful of water and came up sputtering. Her eyes were sparkling with laughter. “Remember you started it,” Jesse said, before picking her up and tossing her high in the air as she shrieked. She made a big splash as she went under. When she didn’t reappear, Jesse nervously looked under the water, and was caught off guard once again when she snuck up behind him and jumped on his back to pull him under. They wrestled under water for the upper hand, limbs entangled, the water heightening the sensations of her silky bare skin against his own.
He whispered in her ear, “You feel so good.”
She dove back under and swam to the other end of the pool, before propping her elbows on the ledge, smiling teasingly from her safe perch. He raked his hands through his wet hair and sighed.
“Who is she?” A female voice whispered in his ear.
The brunette, Kelly, had snuck up behind him and jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms and legs around him, like she was riding piggyback.
“Technically she’s a client. I’m renovating her bar, used to be Skully’s.”