Page 64 of Secret Billionaire


After dropping off the photo of Julian at the police station, they headed over to Kyle’s law firm. The secretary led them straight back to his office. When she and Tyler sat down, Kyle did a double take.

Faye made the introductions. Kyle’s eyes narrowed and he asked, “How do you know my sister?”

“Kyle, he works for me.”

Kyle stared at him for several long beats while Faye and Ty fidgeted in their chairs. She knew her brother was brilliant, and nothing ever seemed to escape him. Now that she was looking at him and Ty up close and personal, she saw a remarkable resemblance between them. Especially their eyes. That same cobalt blue. Duh! How had that escaped her until now?

After what felt like minutes, he turned back to Faye, “To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?”

“Kyle, Julian is here, in the States, he found me... found the bar.”

“How do you know?”

Faye told him the entire story from beginning to end. He sat there tapping his fingers on the desk, his body tense. After she finished, he buzzed his secretary and told her to get Leroy Shay, the chief of police, on the line immediately. Faye and Ty exchanged a look.

As they were waiting, he looked Tyler up and down and said, “Are you from around here?”

Clearing his throat, he said, “Yes sir. Grew up inland…the neighboring town.”

“Either of you two have something you want to tell me?”

Faye wrung her hands and looked helplessly at Ty and he shrugged.

“Kyle, we were waiting on the right time to tell y’all…I just found out myself. Tyler’s our nephew… he’s Marcus’s son.” At Kyles darkening expression, she rushed on.

“He came to me for a job. He never even knew his father. Marcus abandoned them when Ty was just a baby. He and his mama have been on their own his whole life. He only found out he had family after everything that went down last year. Since it was splashed all over the news, his mom put two and two together. He doesn’t want anything…only to know his family.”

Kyle’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Ty. “What exactly do you want to know?”

“Kyle! I just told you, it’s just been him and his mom; when he found out he had a family he wanted to meet us.”

Kyle tapped his pen against the desk, as he contemplated Faye’s explanation.

“I don’t need to tell you Faye that we can’t be too careful. I know how trusting you can be and I’m sorry, but I can’t indulge in the luxury of taking everything at face value. I don’t need to remind you that my son was kidnapped, and my best friend and partner betrayed me. I’m sorry if I find Tyler’s curiosity a little suspect.”

Tyler jumped up and said, “Fuck you. Believe what you want. Faye I’ll be outside waiting.” And he stormed out of the office.

Faye’s voice shook, “How dare you! You have no right. Tyler has been nothing but the sweetest most protective kid you ever want to meet.”

“You expect me to automatically accept a complete stranger and take his word for it? Faye you can’t be so trusting. When you’re a Bennett, you can’t afford to be.”

“I had hoped you’d changed enough to give him a chance. You can’t hold his father against him. He’s a good kid.”

“Hardly a kid. He seems pretty street smart to me.”

“He gets his attitude honestly.”

“Faye he’s obviously a troubled kid. He conveniently finds out he’s related to billionaires, looks them up because he feels all warm and fuzzy? You expect me to believe it’s all on the up and up?”

“I’m with Ty, fuck you.” Faye stood up and walked toward the door. “You know everything was handed to us. You can’t help who you were born to. Try a little compassion for a change. It might be less painful than you think. I had hoped that Ella’s influence would’ve opened your eyes to others’ suffering. I guess it was too much to hope for.”

“Faye,” he called out to her, but she was already slamming the door behind her.

“Ty, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. What a dick.”

“He’s really not, once you get to know him. He’s just a shrewd businessman and as the oldest child, overbearing and protective at times. I love him with all my heart, but he can be pigheaded as all get out.”

“I’ll have to take your word for it, because I don’t think he and I are going to be having any kumbayah moments any time soon.”

“I feel terrible. He’ll come around. I know my brother, and this won’t sit well with him. He’s going to feel guilty as hell and he’ll be sniffing around before you know it.”

Ty shrugged, then his shoulders slumped. “This is why I was hoping to keep it between us. You got to know me first, but he didn’t have that opportunity. I don’t really blame him for being suspicious.”

She slung her arm across his shoulders as they headed toward his motorcycle. “At least you’ve got me.”

He grinned and put his arm around her waist, “Yep, and that’s even better than I could’ve hoped for.”