“You better clean that plate young man,” Ruby said sternly, her tone belying the concern etched across her face. “Jesse, instead of moping around like a lonely bull moose, do something about it.”
He pushed the plate aside, “I’m not hungry. Mom, best you leave sleeping dogs lie.”
“You’re my son and I love you dearly, but you have a stubborn streak a mile wide. That poor little thing deserves better than what you’re giving her.”
“Mom she lied. And it wasn’t a little lie…it was about her entire identity. How would I ever be able to trust her again?”
“She lied because she didn’t want you to judge her. I’m sorry but I’ve always thought being rich from the time you was born would be a curse not a blessin.”
“Mom, she’s had weeks to tell me. I repeat, weeks! What does that say about her opinion of me if she didn’t trust me or know me enough to come clean?” He folded his arms across his chest, jaw set.
“Jesse, darlin’, can you imagine growing up not knowing whether someone liked you for who you were, or whether it was because of what you could do for them?”
His gaze was fixed and his expression mutinous. “I don’t want to talk about it, okay? I know you mean well but I’m not going to go crawling back after being utterly humiliated. In front of my ex to boot. I’ve never felt so stupid in my entire life. And it was like pure crack for Kelsey. She practically rubbed her hands together in glee.”
“Is that what this is about? Your pride? Oh Jesse, that is so disappointing. Didn’t I raise you better than that?”
“No, it’s not just my pride. It’s her lack of faith in me. What did she think I was going to do just dump her because she’s worth billions?”
“Believe it or not some guys couldn’t handle that. They’d want to have all the power. Fortunately, I know I raised you four boys better than that. Am I right about that Jesse Carlisle?” When he didn’t respond she put her hands on her hips and said, “Well, am I?”
“It’s complicated. Kelsey’s right about one thing. Faye’s father would not take too kindly to his daughter being with some blue-collar guy.”
“Do you hear yourself? You sound like a first-class snob.”
“Mom you have to face facts. From her father’s perspective, I’m just a working-class guy. He’d never accept me in a million years.”
Ruby folder her arms across her ample bosom. “Why Jesse Carlisle, you’ve just gone and proved her point.”
“Mom, we’re talking billions, it’s no small thing. There’s a world of difference between us.”
“You built our family business into one of the most sought after construction companies in this region. You have a stellar reputation; you make darn good money and you pay your workers well. A business to be envied if you were to ask me…which of course you haven’t.”
Jesse scrubbed his hands over his face. “I don’t expect you to understand ma.”
“Oh I understand plenty. If you were still small, I’d march your butt right on over to her bar and make you stand there until you apologized.”
He sputtered, “Apologize! Me? What the hell did I do?”
“It’s what you’re not doing that concerns me.”
“I’m out of here. Thanks for supper. Love ya, Mom.”
“I love you too, but I want you to think long and hard about what I just said. And I also want you to remember that she isn’t Kelsey. I never did like that girl. I knew she wasn’t the one for you the first time I met her. Now Faye, well, let’s just say I’ve never seen you so happy and at ease as you are with her. And it goes both ways. You spark each other. That doesn’t come along every day.”
“Goodbye Ma.” He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He loved his mom and normally found her counsel wise and comforting. Not today. He left feeling worse than he came. Me apologize? That’s just plain crazy!
He decided to go for a long ride on his motorcycle. Blow off some cobwebs. He couldn’t think of anything but Faye. He saw her everywhere he went, she even followed him into his fucking dreams. He couldn’t get away. Fortunately, his crew didn’t pry or ask why he’d returned to the job site. But good thing they had a handle on everything because he was pretty much useless.
Against his better judgement he took the short cut which took him by the bar. And there she was. Standing in the parking lot with Tyler, pointing up at something on the roof. God, seeing her was like being punched in the gut. He twisted the throttle and blew past them. Fuck me! How much more stupid can I get?
* * *
“Why that son of a bitch…I ought to…”
Faye interrupted Ty by holding up her hand. “How would he know we’d be out in the parking lot? It’s a small town. We won’t be able to avoid each other forever.”