Page 55 of Secret Billionaire


Faye couldn’t believe how quickly her world had turned inside out. Maddy hovered over her like a mother hen. She knew she looked like hell—she hardly recognized herself and worst of all it took nothing for her to burst into tears.

“Faye, just give it some time. I think he’ll come around.” Maddy said.

She lifted her thin shoulder in a half shrug, eyes bright with unshed tears. “I fucked it up. You were right all along. I should have come clean from the get-go.”

“So what? You’re not a criminal. It’s not like you committed a mass murder or slept around on him.”

“I lied. Pure and simple. If you don’t have trust, you have nothing. I don’t blame him.”

“He’ll cool off and realize what he’s lost. Mark my words if he’s even half the man I think he is, he’ll come back.”

“Mads it’s over. It’s been almost a week with no word. I can’t drive myself crazy hoping for the impossible. Not only that, maybe it’s for the best. I need to focus on my business. Maybe I have some things to sort out within myself before I get into another relationship.”

“You’re right. You have to focus on yourself and your business... but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone! I’ll do the hoping for the both of us. You’d better get it together enough to call in some people for interviews. You have to have more help.”

“I know, I’ll work on that today. I’ll start scheduling interviews for next week.”

“Good. If you need my help this weekend, I’m in.”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay. I’ve got to take off. Listen Faye, try to keep busy, take your mind off of things. Promise?”

“I’ll try.”

Maddy hugged her friend and left for work.

Faye drug herself into the shower then threw on an old pair of cutoff jeans and a tank top. She stuck her hair up in a ponytail and rode her bike to the bar.

Stepping inside, it felt like the life had been sucked out of the place. More accurately it had been sucked out of her. She blew out a breath. You don’t get sick days for a broken heart so get your ass moving. She raised her chin and put one foot in front of the other. Mindless cleaning was just what the doctor ordered. It was as good as therapy. She filled a bucket with soap and water and got down onto her hands and knees and began scrubbing.

She was so focused she didn’t hear Ty come in. Surprised to see him there she glanced at her watch.

“Noon already?”

“Yep. I see you’re coming back to life.”

She gave him a lopsided grin, “Don’t be too sure about that.”

“Faye, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about last Saturday night and why I ran off like I did.”

“Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that.”

“I told you a little about my past…you know the dealing…”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Well I’d never want to set my bag of shit on your porch step…” he shifted uncomfortably.

Faye plopped her brush in the bucket and stood up. “Let’s have a cool drink out on the deck. Sound good to you?” He didn’t meet her eyes but mumbled in agreement. She grabbed a couple bottles of sweet tea from the cooler and met him out on the deck.

“Spill it.”

“Well…when I came out from the back room, there was this guy from my past sitting at the bar. I don’t know if you noticed him. Older dude, scruffy gray beard, shark eyes.”

Faye felt a chill go down her spine, “Yeah, his name’s Dave. Go on…”