It was Saturday and Jesse had sent her out in his truck to get some supplies from the hardware store. The list would test the patience of a saint for sure. A half-dozen different sizes and shapes of screws. Who knew? She pulled one from the tiny plastic bag and held it up to the picture on the front of the bin full of screws. Nope, too long. She was going to have to find a clerk to help or she’d end up having a meltdown.
She finally tracked someone down and he was able to fill the order. Then on to the opposite side of the store to pick up some fittings for the kitchen sink. Glancing at her watch while waiting in line she sighed. What a waste of time. A whole hour had passed.
She got back to the bar and was getting out of the truck when Jesse ran out to greet her. He held up a scarf.
“Close your eyes. I’m going to blindfold you.”
She put a hand on her hip, “What have you been up too? Did you just send me on a wild goose chase Jesse Carlisle?”
He grinned, “Who moi? Turn around.” He slipped the scarf over her eyes and tied it behind her head. Taking her hand, he said, “Come with me.”
She followed him until he stopped and said, “Keep your eyes closed til I say different.” He removed the scarf and said, “Okay you can open your eyes now.”
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my Lord! I’ve pictured this a thousand times in my head, but it never looked this good!” Her eyes sparkled as tears threatened to spill out. She walked around the deck, touching every table and chair as if making sure they were real.
“I don’t know what to say. It’s everything I wanted. It’s perfect!”
“You really like it?”
“I love it!” She threw her arms around his neck and planted a wet kiss on his lips.
“I still have a few finishing touches to do to the bar, but I’d say as soon as you’ve got the help you can open up out here.”
“Can you help me bartend tonight? We can try it out. Ty will be here to help and to bus tables. And we do make a good team behind the bar.”
“I’m in. It can be a test run.”
“You’ve got to promise to show me some of your fancy bar moves.”
Jesse grinned rakishly, “I’ll show you, but full disclosure…it took many broken bottles to get to the master level I’m currently at.” He glanced at his watch, “Now I’ve got to go to a job site and meet with Stan. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“I’m in a daze over how beautiful it looks out here. Thank you, Jesse.”
“You’re my girl, right?”
Her throat tightened, moved by his goodness. “Yes.”
He kissed the tip of her nose, “Be good. I’ll see you this evening.”
She twirled around in excitement then quickly punched in Maddy’s number. “You’ve got to come over to the bar immediately.”
“It’s a surprise.”
“On my way.”
Maddy shook her head in amazement. “You know this guy is head over heels in love with you right?”
Faye hugged herself. “I hope that’s still true after he finds out who I really am.”
“I can’t believe you. You’ve had weeks to fess up.”
“I swear every single time I’ve tried something derails me.”
“No excuse.”