Page 49 of Secret Billionaire


“You want to go door shopping with me?’ Jesse asked.

“Yes, I don’t want to be alone here just yet and the break will do me some good. Let me grab my bag.”

Jesse had already nailed up some plywood to cover the door. “You think we can be back by noon? Because Ty’s coming in,” Faye asked.

“Yep, for sure. I’ve got to trade in my bike for my truck on our way there, then it shouldn’t take long to pick out the door and get back here.”

She hopped on behind him and nuzzled his back before sliding her arms seductively around his waist. She tucked her hands up under his tee shirt so she could feel his bare skin. She loved the soft fur below his belly button and couldn’t resist letting her fingertips follow the trail lower. He held his hand over hers briefly before starting up the bike.

After switching vehicles, it was a few short minutes to the home improvement store.

Jesse grinned, then said, “You know I feel like a kid in a candy store whenever I step in here.”

Faye cracked up. “I get it. That’s how I feel when I go to an art supply store.”

Jesse reached for her hand and interlaced their fingers as they perused the aisles. When they arrived at the back of the store in the lumber section, Jesse glanced furtively around before reaching under her dress and running his hand up her inner thigh. “Hmm, your skin is so soft.”

Giggling she hissed, “Jesse stop.”

“I can’t help it.”

Faye squirmed and got away only to have him swoop her up from behind. Faye started giggling, unable to stop which only egged him on.

They both saw movement out of the corner of their eyes as someone joined them in the aisle. Faye dissolved into another fit of laughter.

“You are so bad,” Faye said gasping for breath.

“Well if it isn’t Jesse Carlisle as I live and breathe.” A sultry southern drawl interrupted their intimacy.

Jesse stiffened. “Kelsey! What are you doing here?”

“Picking up some tools. Why haven’t you been returning my calls? I’ve missed you and we need to talk.”

She suddenly took a good long look at Faye and her eyes widened in recognition. Faye was shocked to see the bartender from The Yacht club, and even more surprised that she seemed to know Jesse and it appeared that she knew him quite well.

Kelsey’s eyes narrowed as she looked Faye up and down. Before Jesse could make any introductions, Faye grabbed his hand and practically drug him along behind her. “We have to hurry, remember, Ty’s coming, and I don’t want him to find everything locked up.”

Kelsey put her hands on her curvy hips and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a word out, Faye interrupted her, and laying heavy on her own southern accent she said, “You have a real nice day. Come on Jess. Bye now.”

Jesse gave a half shrug and apologized, as he was being hauled away. “Hey, we’re kind of in a hurry. Sorry to run off like this.”

When they got to the door section, Jesse cocked his head to the side and said, “What the hell was that all about?”

Faye’s eyes went round, “What was what about.”

“That little scene back there.”

“Scene? What scene?”

“You know damn well what scene I’m talking about.”

Relying on the old adage that the best defense is a good offense she went for it. “You two seem to know each other quite well. Why is she calling you and why haven’t you returned her calls? Just who is she to you?”

It worked! As she watched him squirm, Faye felt just the tinsy-tiniest twinge of guilt right before it was swallowed up by relief.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and narrowed his eyes. “She happens to be my ex. Her names Kelsey. We split over a year ago. Nothing’s going on between us. I’m not returning her calls because she’s obsessed with getting back together with me and I’m not interested.”