Faye chewed on her bottom lip. “Listen Jess, we have to talk.”
“Not exactly what a guy wants to hear when he just tells a girl that he’s falling for her.”
“Don’t take it that way. It’s not what you think. I’m crazy about you.”
A smile of relief lit up his face. “Then forget about the rest. That’s all I needed to hear for right now. We can talk later. I have to get the door replaced and make some calls and get that security system installed. It can’t wait. And no arguments, I’m paying. I know money is tight for you.”
“I said, no arguments.” He leaned in and softly kissed her.
“Shh… I’ve got this babe.”
She sighed heavily, “I guess we should get to work then. One step forward, two steps back it seems.”
He planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. “You take my breath away,” he murmured.
“Jess, I…um…I guess we’ll talk later then.”
She ran her fingers through his hair, then stroked it away from his brow, a frown on her face. What could she do? Timing was everything. She could no longer justify keeping it from Jess, they were in too deep.
“Will you promise we’ll sit down and talk sometime today?” Faye asked.
“Yes. Now I’m going to go measure the door and see what others supplies I’m going to need.”