Page 47 of Secret Billionaire


Faye was disappointed when she saw that Jesse hadn’t arrived yet but patted herself on the back that she had managed to beat him there for once. Parking her bike, she unlocked the bar and went in. She began opening things up and turning on lights. When she approached her office, the door was ajar. She mentally went over the night before, and distinctly remembered closing and locking the door. She knew she had. So why was it open?

With trepidation she looked for any other disturbances. As she entered the back room, she saw that the storage room door stood wide open. Her heart began to race, her hands clammy with sweat. Her body was shaking so hard she had trouble punching in the number for the police.

“Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”

* * *

Jesse frowned when he pulled in and saw the cop car in the parking lot. What the hell? He jumped off his bike and ran into the bar. Not seeing Faye in the main barroom, he panicked. He called out her name, “Faye?”

“Back here,” she replied.

He took in a deep breath, not even realizing he’d been holding it. One look at her face drained of color and that momentary relief vanished.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” He rushed to her side pulling her into his arms. His gut clenched when she wrapped her arms around him and began to cry.

“Shh, I’m here, whatever it is its going to be okay.”

The police officer came out from the back room and nodded to Jesse. “What’s going on?” he asked her.

She looked at Faye. “Can I speak freely?”

“Yes, he works here. I want him in on everything.”

“A break in. Looks like they came in through the back. The door was kicked in and completely splintered. I’m afraid it will have to be replaced or boarded up. Broke the lock on the storage room, appears nothing was taken from there. Money from the cash register was taken, safe was untouched. Papers in the office were rifled through but other than that you’re lucky. Could have been a lot worse.”

“What comes next?” Jesse asked.

Her partner entered the room and they exchanged a glance. “We’ll file a report but the chances of catching whoever did this are next to zero. I wish I had better news. My advice is to have security cameras installed and motion detector lights in the back.”

With a tight-lipped smile, he said, “I’m on it.”

The officer nodded toward Faye, “She’s understandably upset. I wish there was more we could do, but we’ll pick up patrol of this area, and be on the lookout for suspicious activity. Probably teenagers looking for cash money and found this to be an easy target. Get that security installed.”

“I’m sorry I was late this morning, I should have been here first,” Jesse said, kicking himself. “What if they’d still been in the building?”

“It’s not your fault. You hear me? Don’t you dare take this on! You have a life and other responsibilities besides this bar.”

His lips curved, buried in her hair, “There’s that spitfire I know and love.”

His knuckles brushed across her cheek, then he tilted her head back. Seeing the lingering fear in her eyes filled him with a primal rage. He wanted to destroy something. His jaw clenched and he took a few deep calming breaths before he spoke.

“Faye, if I ever catch the bastards that did this, I will beat them within an inch of their life. I swear to you.”

“Jesse kiss me.”

He dipped his head and covered her mouth. His kiss was fueled by his anger and feelings of inadequacy. He hadn’t been able to protect her, and he had never experienced this level of powerlessness before now. Breath ragged, he devoured her, tongue thrusting, holding her tightly against his body. She kissed him back, her fingers threaded through his hair.

Jesse pulled away and blew out his breath. “I hate that you were alone. It makes me feel crazy to think that someone could have been inside and hurt you.” He sounded tormented.

“But they weren’t and I’m okay. Just a little rattled is all.”

“Faye I’m sorry I wasn’t here first.”

“Jess I’m a big girl. I was shook up, but I’m settling down and you’re here now.”

He framed her face with his hands, his eye’s glittering with intensity, “If anything had happened to you…Faye… I’m not going to lie, you’re it for me.”