Page 46 of Secret Billionaire

“Aunt Faye where have you been? I’ve got to show you the tricks I taught my puppy.”

“I’ll stop by soon. I’ve been really busy. How are Miley and Cyrus?” She asked, referring to his goldfish.

“They’re great. Ella bought me a huge and I mean huge,” he held his arms wide to demonstrate, “fish tank. How big is it Ella?”

She smiled down at him, “Fifty gallons.”

“Yeah, fifty gallons.”

“Wow! I’ll bet they’re happy.”

“Yeah, they really really like their new home.”

“Ella, how are you feeling? Any morning sickness?”

“No thank God! I’ve been feeling great.”

“I can’t believe you’re having twins! What do you think about that Finn?”

He scrunched his face up and bounced on the balls of his feet, “Can’t wait!”

“You’re going to be the best big brother. Just like your dad was to me. Ella you are glowing and so is my brother.”

“We’re over the moon.”

“Do you miss going in to work?”

“Not one bit. I especially don’t miss the head nurse. Good riddance,” Ella said.

Griffin swept in and whispered in her ear, “How’s the secret billionaire?”

She elbowed him hard. “Ouch!”

With gritted teeth she hissed, “I’m warning you.”

“You’re way too easy.”

“And you’re a jerk.”

“Well looks like the gang’s all here; should we be seated?” Kyle asked.

With a slight nod of his head, they were whisked to their favorite table outside, seated right next to the water. Much like her bar, a pier and marina abutted the restaurant, and many of the members docked their boats here.

To Faye’s surprise, the evening was lovely, relaxed, and everyone seemed to be making honest attempts to avoid each other’s soft spots. Ella was happily surprised when the birthday cake came out flaming and they sang to her. She teared up…making Faye tear up right along with her. She was truly sorry when they all said their goodbyes, with promises to get together very soon.

Driving home, her thoughts drifted back to Jesse, though they’d never strayed too far from him. She could hardly wait to see him tomorrow, assuming he had put all the fires out today. She commanded google to play the Brett Eldridge song they had danced to the night before and cranked it to full blast as she drove home.

Her heart hurt it was so full. The words stroked her soul. He was that song for her. She had to tell him the truth. Until then, their relationship was built on sand. Sighing deeply, she pulled into the driveway parking under the car port and sat there until the last note was played.

As Faye was climbing into bed, she realized she had never turned her cell phone back on. There were three missed calls from Jesse but now it was too late to return them, so she sent him a text hoping the ping wouldn’t wake him up.

Faye: Missed you so much. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Two seconds later her phone pinged.

Jesse: Not near as much as I missed you. I’ll be there in the morning. Coffee’s on me. I’m having withdrawal. For real!