Faye beamed at him, “Anytime! Have a good night and see you tomorrow.”
As Faye was locking up, the creepy customer she’d had the run in with showed up. “Sorry I’m closing tonight for a birthday party.”
“Damn, that’s too bad. Guess I’ll see you around another night. I was looking forward to that beer.”
She shifted her heavy bag to the other shoulder. “Next time you’re in, I’ll give you a beer on the house.”
A corner of his mouth lifted. “Got yourself a deal.” He winked at Faye, “Nice flowers.”
Faye felt a chill go down her spine. His smile never quite reached his eyes. After that initial altercation he couldn’t be any more friendly. He’d come in with a bouquet of daisies the next day and a sheepish grin on his face. But still Faye wasn’t convinced. He was pouring it on a little too thick.
“You know I never did catch your name,” Faye said.
“Have a nice night, Dave.”
He turned on his heels and left and she exhaled.
* * *
Faye grumbled to Maddy as she slipped diamond earrings through her earlobes. “I don’t miss this fancy smancy stuff one bit.”
“Not even a little? I think it’s fun to play dress up now and again.”
“Maybe if it were for a hot date…but I’m already dreading the inquisition from my parents. I feel like a lamb going to slaughter.”
“At least you’re a beautiful lamb. That Christian Dior dress is divine! The chiffon and that champagne color against your fair skin is simply marvelous darling.” Maddy said. The bodice was fitted with a short flirty skirt that gathered at the waist and swirled around her thighs with every movement.
“Good thing Romeo can’t see you now. It might finish him off,” Maddy said.
“What do you think of this ruby red lipstick on me?” Faye had decided to wear her hair pulled back tightly in a French chignon, which highlighted her fine bone structure and large eyes.
“Love it. You totally take after your mom. You could easily be a New York Fashion Week runway model. So jealous.”
“Don’t be. Look what that lifestyle did to my mom! Got her married to Dad,” she laughed at her dark humor.
“They love each other.”
Faye sighed. “Yeah I know. They just shouldn’t have had kids. There wasn’t room for children...so they paid others to raise us.”
“So, you still haven’t told me about your date yesterday. I know it went well since you didn’t come home last night.”
“It was truly perfect.”
Faye’s shoulders slumped. “No, I didn’t tell him if that’s what you’re asking, and I feel terrible about it. I’ve really dug myself a deep hole. I just don’t know how to start that conversation. Then today he sent me a huge vase full of red roses…and the card read forever yours.”
“You have to tell him.” Maddy said.
Faye held up her hand, “I know, I know, I’m waiting for the right time. I’ve tried. Something always seems to get in the way.”
“He won’t take too kindly to feeling like he’s been played for a fool.”
Faye covered her ears and said, “La la la la la.”
“Okay, I get the message. Have fun tonight and tell everyone I said hi.”
“I will. I’m going to tell him. I promise.”
“I only nag you because I care. You two are perfect for each other. I wouldn’t want some dumb mis-understanding to ruin it. He’s one of the good ones.”
Faye dabbed a bit of perfume behind her ears and grabbed her keys from the key holder. “I’ve got to run but it’s at the top of my list. See ya later.”