Page 42 of Secret Billionaire


Faye cleared her throat, “Wrong choice of words.”

He snorted with laughter, “Right. Sorry.”

“It wouldn’t be an easy topic to bring up. I would have struggled with it too. And you’re only eighteen. Give yourself a break. And Ty? Now that tourist season is right around the corner, I could use more of your time, that is if you’re available.”

His eyes lit up. “Yes! I could use any extra hours you’re willing to throw my way.”

“Great. How are you with technology? I have a couple of big screen TVs that need to be installed. I can put them up, but can you program them?”

“Yeah, that’s easy.”

“Maybe we’ll work on that tomorrow. I’d like to expand your hours.”


“And, since you’re working out so well, I’ll increase your pay to fifteen dollars an hour.”

“Wow, thanks!” His whole face changed when he smiled. He was a real showstopper when that sullen look disappeared. Lordy help the poor girl who had to protect this guy from the girls who’d be throwing themselves at his feet. He had no idea how beautiful he was. And that was a good thing.

“Ty, one more thing…thank your mom for me.”

He glanced down at the ground, “Yep.”

“Ty you know you can come to me with anything?”

“It’s all good.”

Faye had a niggling feeling he wanted to say more but he stood up, his expression now poker faced, clearly done with their heart to heart.

“I’ll be finished up with paperwork in a couple of minutes, then we can get started with organizing that storage room.”

He slipped his hands in his front pockets and left. Faye shrugged. She’d probably only imagined the brief look of doubt that had darted across his face.