Faye’s hands were slightly unsteady as she applied a shimmering pink lip gloss at the last minute. She had applied the barest of make-up, just a little mascara, and fragrant lotion to her body. Jesse would be there any minute to pick her up for their date. “Mads, why am I so nervous?”
“Um…because he’s hot and you care?”
“It’s not like I’m fifteen. I’m thirty-one. Hardly my first date.”
“First one with Mr. Wonderful,” Maddy said.
“What if it’s awkward? What if we don’t have anything in common when we’re not at work…or anything to talk about? I hate those long stretches of silence when you go blank and want to squirm right out of your own skin.”
“Quit worrying. I’ve seen you two in action; besides that, if it’s not a good fit, better to know than not know,” Maddy said.
Faye wrinkled her nose, “The problem is I want it to be…a good fit. I really like him.”
“Just relax. You’ve practically been inseparable since he started working and you’ve been getting along just fine. Quit worrying…go and have a good time. He’s totally smitten with you. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. It was so hot, I thought I’d have to take a cold shower!”
Faye giggled, “I’ll take your word for it.” She heard Jess’s motorcycle and her heart skipped a beat. “I hear the motorcycle now, see ya.” She ran out the door to meet Jesse at the curb.
“Wow, you look amazing,” he said.
He looked so good in his cargo shorts and faded black tee. The soft cotton fabric molded to his muscular frame, tempting her to run her hands across his chest. His strong tanned thighs straddled the bike. Hmm. She craved him and she missed seeing his eyes, which were hidden behind dark sunglasses. It made her feel more vulnerable, so she slipped on her own pair to hide behind before climbing on the bike. Handing her a helmet he said, “I have to make a quick stop by my folks’ place before we head out. Okay with you?”
“Hang on beautiful.”
She slipped her arms around his waist and couldn’t resist hugging him tight for a moment. She breathed in his masculine scent. Today she detected a hint of soap, freshly laundered shirt and Old Spice.
“You can hold me like that forever,” he said.
She rubbed her cheek against his back, the soft material over the hard body wreaking havoc with her libido. What was it about this guy? She had never felt this turned on in her life. This was a new discovery for her and she kind of liked it. He waited for her to put on her helmet before starting up the bike.
His large hand reached down and gripped her thigh giving it a squeeze. She responded by squeezing her legs tightly against him. She rubbed her hands softly up and down his stomach before coming to rest right below his navel.
It was a gorgeous spring day and there was no better place in the world to do spring than in the Carolinas. The air was aromatic with flowering trees and early perennials. The sky was bright blue with big white puffy clouds dotting the horizon. At Jesse’s suggestion she had worn her swimsuit under the loose shirt and white linen slacks she had on. Despite her coaxing he wouldn’t tell her what they were doing today, insisting that it be a surprise.
Faye felt exhilarated nestled so close behind this gorgeous guy, the wind in her face. By the time they pulled into the seaside cottage drive, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes glittered with life. She playfully bit his shoulder before climbing off the bike.
“Ouch, you wench!”
“You deserve it. You practically laid the bike down going around a couple of those curves.”
He grinned. “Did not, big scaredy cat!”
“I wasn’t scared, it was invigorating. I’m just saying, I think you were testing me.”
She loved the way his eyes crinkled when he full-on smiled, the way he was doing right now. “Ya think?” he said trying to look innocent.
She took off her helmet and shook out her hair, “I know.”
He secured their helmets to the bike and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers.
“I’m a little nervous,” Faye admitted.