Page 32 of Secret Billionaire

“Jesse, go sit with your friends. Everyone’s been served and things are slowing down.”

“Only if you come over for one sec and let me formally introduce you to my crew.”

She finished dunking the glass she was cleaning and put it on the drying rack, then wiped her hands on a towel. “Lead the way.”

He took ahold of her hand and led her over to the group.

“Guys, this is Faye LeBlanc. My boss.”

They all guffawed. The guy with a beard and salt and pepper hair spoke up and said, “Sure, that’ll be the day.”

“Faye the guy with the big mouth is Stan, my foreman, you met him before, and next to him is Jimmy, another guy on my crew. Last but not least,” he cleared his throat, “you remember Joe.”

Joe’s dark eyes sparkled, and he grinned a bit sheepishly. And it seemed he couldn’t resist ribbing Jesse, “Yeah, of course, who could forget that momentous occasion? I witnessed her put our boss in the doghouse. Quite the smack down. He didn’t stand a chance.”

They all raised their beers and nodded, “Cheers to that! Someone’s got to put him in his place,” Stan said.

Her cheeks turned slightly pink, “Just a misunderstanding. Don’t want to disappoint y’all, but he didn’t really deserve it. I jumped to some conclusions. But anyway, thanks for the support. Nice to officially meet you,” Faye said.

Jimmy winked and said, “We’ll accept any woman who puts a smile back on our Jess’s face.”

“You’ll probably get sick of us. This is our new favorite spot to drink beer. And there’s another half a dozen of us, but don’t worry we won’t bite,” Stan said.

“Y’all are welcome anytime. The more the merrier. I’d better get behind the bar for last call. See you ’round.”

Jesse sat down and waited for the ball-busting he knew was coming, and they didn’t disappoint.

“Damn Jess, she’s even more beautiful close up and personal. You sure you’re good enough?” Jimmy said.

“That’s what I’m saying. I think I’m more her type,” Joe chimed in.

“Maybe she likes an older man of distinction… like me,” Stan said puffing out his chest.

The guys hooted with laughter. “You mean an older married man of distinction. What would Mimi have to say about that?”

“Oh, I forgot,” he grinned, taking another big guzzle of beer.

Jesse looked around the table at his friends with true affection for his crew. He never had to doubt that they always had his back. Like now, they were all happy to help him out and pick up his slack, just so he could free up his time to help Faye. He’d never forget it. He knew he was lucky to have such a great group of friends and once the bar was done, he’d throw one hell of a party for them right here.