That evening, Jesse’s jaw dropped when he and a few of his crew walked into the Pelican. The place was packed and noisy. His first clue was the full parking lot…but wow. Almost at full capacity. She needed that outdoor space yesterday. If this didn’t motivate him to get it done, nothing would. The karaoke hadn’t started up yet, but the DJ had his sound system streaming at ear-splitting decibels with people trying to shout over the din. Typical Saturday night bar life.
He scanned the room until his eyes homed in on Faye. She was behind the bar filling up a frosty mug of draft beer, with another dozen thirsty drinkers waiting in line for their refill. She tucked behind her ear a lock of hair that had escaped her high ponytail.
He stood inside the door unable to look away, as if in a trance. She moved with grace and efficiency, working fast but not rushing. She laughed at something one of the guys said to her as she passed him his cocktail. He suddenly snapped out of his study and turned to Stan and said, “Hey I’m going to jump behind the bar and help out. Get in line. I doubt there will be table service tonight, I’m afraid.”
When he stepped beside Faye she startled until she saw it was him, then her whole face lit up. Full-blown dazzling white smile, dimples and all. He could see the relief dance across her face.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” she said, trying to talk over the racket.
He shrugged, “Came to see the prettiest girl on the island.”
“Boy am I ever glad to see you!”
“Mutual. Want me to just dive in?”
Just then they were interrupted, “Is this your honeymoon or a bar? Can I get a refill?”
Her eyes twinkled at him before she turned to take the order. She looked good enough to eat. She had on some long slinky maxi skirt with a side slit that sat low on her slim hips and hugged her like a second skin. Her sleeveless top was cropped right above her navel, exposing her flat belly and a sexy navel piercing. She wore what he thought looked like Jesus sandals, since they crisscrossed and wrapped partway up her slim shapely calves. A ton of bangles mixed with beaded bracelets jingled as she worked.
He faced the crowd and jumped right in taking orders. Most people were drinking beer, but he did have to mix a couple of fancy drinks. His old college days of bartending were coming in handy.
Between the two of them they caught up quickly, and by the time the DJ had set up for karaoke, they were in good shape. She jerked her thumb toward the door and yelled, “I’m going to give Ty a call and see if he’s ready to start tonight.”
“Good thinking. I’ll watch the bar while you make the call.” He shouted back.
“Thanks, I’ll go outside so I can hear. I’ll be right back.” As she slipped behind him, he slung an arm around her and gave her a quick squeeze. His hand touched the bare skin of her waist and he went rock hard. Her lips parted slightly as their eyes met and he could see hunger there that matched his own. That’s good then.
* * *
“Ty, it’s Faye LeBlanc. How would you feel about starting tonight? We can work out the details later. I’m slammed.”
“Sure! I can be there in twenty.”
“Great. I really appreciate it. Wear your running shoes.” She hung up, relieved that he could make it on such short notice. This was a big dose of what it was going to take, and she realized she was woefully unprepared. She needed to start interviewing next week for a part-time bartender and server. She already had the busser. Tyler would get added bonus points for his readiness to help out last minute.
Thank God Jesse had shown up when he did. Her body quivered when she thought about his burning eyes trailing across her body. As thrilled as she was with the crowded bar, she couldn’t wait to be alone with Jess on their date Monday.
Her belly did a flip flop as she opened the door and saw him behind the bar, all smiles, biceps bulging as he shook the cocktail mixer. She didn’t even mind that the woman waiting on her fancy drink was practically drooling. Who could blame her? Sorry chick, Tonight, he’s all mine.
“Hey Ty, could you empty the trash cans into the dumpster around back? They’re almost overflowing.”
“Just through the kitchen and out the back door. Thanks,” Faye said.
She watched as Ty wheeled the trash receptacle from behind the bar. He had bad-boy written all over him…literally and figuratively. Brooding, with dark, almost-black hair spiked up and wild looking. Vivid blue eyes with ridiculously long lashes. Tats out the wazoo. Would have been just her type ten years ago. She was curious to know his back story. He seemed to be a hard worker and had no problem taking orders from a woman…she had a good feeling about him.
She was going to have to rethink karaoke night. She didn’t know if she could take it. She liked music way too much to tolerate the butchering of the classics. It was drawing a great crowd though. She might have to suck it up. It was close to closing time and a good thing because she was running low on energy and on bottled beer.
She shuddered to think what it would have been like tonight had Jesse and Ty not come through. She’d have been screwed. As it was, even with the three of them, they’d worked their butts off all night. Jesse hadn’t even had time to sit down and have a beer with his friends. Things had finally slowed down enough to catch a breath.
“You missed it. Before you got here our ‘friend’ from the parking lot showed up. Sweet as pie and left a huge tip. I still have a funny feeling about him but I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt,” Faye said.
“I guess we can all have a bad night.”