“Did you remember my pickles?” Faye asked.
“Y’all think I’m stupid or something? I wasn’t about to listen to you pitchin’ a hissy fit through the entire lunch.” She took out the foil containing the pickles and tossed them to Faye.
Faye smiled as she ripped open the foil and grabbed one, hungrily biting into the crunchy dill snack. Her lips puckered, “Tangy, just the way I like them.”
Jesse was busy slapping more barbecue onto his sandwich and then piling slaw on top of that. Faye loved watching his hands. She always judged a guy’s hands… she knew it was weird… but his definitely passed her test. They were tan, strong, and very masculine. His nails were trimmed short, well-kept but not fussy. She knew how they felt against her skin and blushed just thinking about it. Jesse took that particular moment to look at her and she felt her cheeks grow hot.
His eyes flashed as they raked across her face. Her skin felt seared everywhere his gaze touched. When he had settled on her lips her breath hitched and she quickly busied herself with her sandwich.
Maddy cleared her throat and said, “So Jesse, I hope you know you’re my hero for rescuing my friend here.”
He winked and said, “Could be she’s the one doing the rescuing.” Taking another big bite, he wiped his forearm across his chin, swiping off some sauce.
“Do you have a clone?” Maddy asked. They all laughed, breaking any residual tension that had been in the air. “But really, you’re doing a great job here. I can’t believe how much you’ve gotten done in just a few weeks… and all by yourself.”
“Hey, I’ve got a great side kick here,” he said, nodding his head toward Faye. “What do you do for a living?” Jesse asked her.
“I’m an accountant. Boring to most folks, but I love crunchin’ numbers.”
“She’s being modest. She’s more than just an accountant. Her office is one of the most successful local businesses around. She has five accountants that work for her and she has some of the biggest companies accounts around here.”
Maddy blushed at the compliment, “Quit blowing my horn. I’m just a numbers nerd that was lucky enough to stumble on my niche.”
“That’s great. There aren’t enough women-owned businesses. I’m always happy to hear about them.”
“I repeat, do ya have a clone?” Maddy said.
Faye beamed. This was turning out better than she could have hoped for. After the initial discomfort, they settled into an easy flow of conversation. Maddy brought up Faye’s travel blog and got her to open up about some of her adventures.
“Hm. A writer, a world traveler…even more intriguing. There are many layers to the beautiful Faye LeBlanc,” Jesse said.
Maddy started gathering up their trash and said, “She’s layered all right. Real thick if you get my drift?”
Jesse’s mouth twitched as he jumped up and grabbed the trash from Maddy. “Here let me take that. Thanks for picking up our lunch. How much do I owe you?”
“No way! Don’t even go there. It was my idea. You can buy next time.”
“I’ll let you guys get back to work. It was great meeting you Jesse. Take care of my friend here. She’s special.”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about from this end.”
“Thanks Mad.” The girls hugged and then she left.
“That went well.”
“I like your friend.”
“I’m glad. Now I’ll go clean up my mess. I’m done with the painting. It only took two coats.”
“Good, I could use another hand when you get a chance.”
“Sure thing.”
She pivoted to go, but he grabbed her arm stopping her, “Faye, is there something you’re not telling me?”
She looked down, not meeting his eyes. ‘What do you mean? What makes you say that?”
“Just a hunch. Never mind. Just get your butt back out here. I’m missing you.”
Her eyes clouded for a second as she battled with herself, then the moment passed and she said nothing, because he’d already picked up his drill and walked away.