Page 29 of Secret Billionaire


Faye had just poured her paint into the tray when Jesse stepped outside to tell her he was heading over to the hardware store to pick up something he’d forgotten.

His mouth tightened when he looked at the ruined wall, “I’d like to get my hands on whoever did this.”

“You and me both!” Faye said. “Every time I look at this wall, I’m boiling mad all over again!”

“Listen, I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.”

“I locked the front door so nobody can walk right in.”

“Thanks, see ya when you get back.”

“Be good.” He brushed her cheek before turning and sprinting to his truck.

Faye sighed. Why did he have to be so damn perfect? How was she supposed to resist temptation when he had such dreamy eyes and lush lips? She dipped her roller in the pan and soaked up some paint before covering over the profanities. As she applied the first coat, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Someone was a genuine poet. No imagination what-so-ever.

Suddenly her roller stopped, and a chill went down her spine. There in the center of all the swear words was a red heart with J Loves F smack in the middle. She had to put the roller back in the pan because her hand was shaking so badly. Girl get a grip! You’re starting to get paranoid. It could be anyone.

Faye sat down hard on the stoop. Closing her eyes, she took a few deep slow breaths to calm her nerves. Shaking it off, she knew it had to be a coincidence. Those initials could be anyone’s. Hell, for that matter they were Jesses initials as well and she knew he hadn’t done it. That thought calmed her down instantly. Between the lack of sleep and the long hours she’d been working it was no wonder her mind was playing tricks on her.

She stood back up and quickly swiped her roller over the offending heart and chose not to grant it any significance. Determined to bury her fear, she said out loud, “There, all gone!”

* * *

Faye was just finishing the second coat of paint when Maddy arrived with lunch. She poked her head outside. “Chow time.”

“I’m coming,” Faye said. “Jesse’s on the back deck.” Stepping down off the ladder she set her brush aside and put a lid on the paint can, then followed Maddy inside. Her stomach growled in protest. The croissant she’d eaten that morning was long since digested.

“Let’s eat outside,” Maddy suggested.

Drying her hands off on a bar towel, Faye said, “I’ll grab us some bottled water, unless you’d rather have something else?”

“No, water’s fine,” Maddy replied.

As they stepped outside, Maddy looked over at Faye wide-eyed and mouthed the words, ‘Oh my God!’

Faye grinned from ear to ear. “Jesse, Maddy’s here with our lunch.”

He looked up at them, then stood. A six-foot-plus, shirtless, muscle-bulging, sweaty, sex bomb of perfection.

Maddy’s mouth hung open until she caught herself. Faye made the introductions. “Jesse this is my bestie from high school and my roommate, Maddy.”

Jesse held out his hand, his expression warm and welcoming, “My pleasure to finally meet you. I’m hoping you can help shed some light on this enigmatic beauty beside me… as only a bestie can do.”

Maddy cleared her throat and tittered nervously, pushing her glasses further up on her nose, “Um well as they say…what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

Really?Faye rolled her eyes at her friend. She’s going to blow it. She looks guilty.

Faye clapped her hands over-enthusiastically, cheeks flushed she said, “Let’s see what you’ve got… I’m starving.”

Jesses scratched his head, puzzled by the sudden awkwardness. “You girls must have some wild stories, is all I can say.”

They both laughed a bit too hard at his comment and he intercepted Faye shooting daggers at her friend.

They sat on the ground in a circle as Maddy pulled out the barbecue sandwiches. “I’ve got slaw and baked beans and extra barbecue sauce if you want to add any.”