Page 28 of Secret Billionaire

“Nothing much, just about how average you are, you know mousy hair, faded eyes, boring, unattractive…”

His eyes gleamed, “Is that so?” Before she could move quick enough, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her outside to the edge of the deck and dangling her over the water.

Giggling hysterically, she cried out “Put me down!”

“I don’t think so. Now you were saying?”

Sprawled upside-down butt in the air, she was completely at his mercy. “I take it back. Your hair is a glorious crown!”

He tickled her, “And?”

“Smokin’ hot bod! Eye’s the color of the finest whiskey…put me down!” she begged, gasping for breath from laughing so hard. He answered by flipping her off his shoulder and into his arms, now cradling her against his chest. His eyes burned with desire as he gazed into hers. He dipped his head down and kissed her softly. Her breath hitched.

“Go on…” he said against her lips. He sat down, holding her on his lap. She could feel his hardness pressing against her bottom.

Faye, breathless and aroused, had never felt so feminine or sexy. In Jesse’s arms there was only them. She cupped her hands behind his head and returned his kiss. He wasted no time and plunged his tongue inside. She opened her mouth wider, enticing his thrusting tongue to explore further. His hands sought her soft skin and slipped underneath her shirt. His palm brushed across her flat belly, exploring her torso until he reached her breast, rolling his thumb across the silk clad nipple. She gasped with pleasure, so aroused she thought she might come right then.

Breathless he called her name softly, “Faye, you’re perfection,” then continued his exquisite torture.

Her whole body trembled with want. His ragged breath matched her own, and when she looked into his eyes, they were heavy lidded, pupils dilated.

“You’re all I can think about,” Jesse said, his voice low and rough.

Forgetting where they were, as he lifted her tee-shirt, she pulled his head down to her breast, while slipping her other hand under his shirt. Her desire surged as her fingertips touched the softness of his skin covering strong solid back muscles…here…real…now. She needed this…to be grounded in the present, not consumed by fear. He pulled her bra aside drawing her nipple into his warm mouth. He latched on and suckled greedily. She arched, raking her hands down his back, calling out his name.

“Jesse, please!” He groaned then lifted his head, and tugged her shirt down, eyes flickering with regret.

“Faye, not here, not now. When I make love to you for the first time, I want it to be special.”

She covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

He pulled her hands away and stared intently into her glazed eyes. “I hope so. I want you to get carried away. Never apologize for that. But Faye, if you don’t get off my lap very soon, I may need a change of clothing, which I don’t happen to have with me.”

She scrambled to her feet. Not meeting his eyes, she said, “I’m going to go paint.”

“I’ll go jump into the cold ocean.” Not getting the smiling response he wanted, he stood up and put his hands on her shoulders. Face still warm with embarrassment, she stiffened but let him pull her into his arms. He sniffed and nuzzled her hair then nibbled on her ear until she squirmed and giggled.

“That tickles.”

“Since the bar’s closed on Monday, what do you say we go on a date. We’ll spend the whole day together playing… followed by dinner at my place, maybe just pizza delivered, but what do you say?”

She gazed into his warm eyes and said the only thing she could possibly say, “I’d love that.”

“Good, it’s a date.” He kissed the tip of her nose and she went to mix up paint.

Jesse watched as Faye headed to the back room and raked his shaky hands through his hair. He blew out a deep breath. Damn, that had to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

She was like a unicorn. Magical, irresistible, exquisite. He was all messed up. When he’d told her that she was perfection, he’d meant it. Her body had responded to his slightest touch, like the finest tuned instrument.