Page 27 of Secret Billionaire


Faye threw on an old pair of cut-off jean shorts and a faded CSU tee shirt that she didn’t mind getting paint on. She was determined to get that damn wall done today. Her pulse fluttered when she pedaled into the lot and saw Jesse’s motorcycle already parked there. He had beat her again. Today was his day to pick up the coffee and as promised it was waiting for her on the bar counter, along with a cream cheese croissant, her favorite.

“Good morning beautiful,” Jesse said cheerfully.

“Is it?” she joked.

“Yes. Any day I get to spend with you is a good one.”

“I was out like a light the minute my head hit the pillow, but I still feel like I didn’t sleep a wink”

Jesse studied her face, a line appearing between his brows. “You do look tired. Something troubling you?”

“My imagination. There was someone on the beach last night and I could have sworn they were looking right at me standing on my balcony. In the light of day, I realize it was probably just someone out for an evening stroll.”

His eyebrows drew together, “You sure about that?”

“Pretty sure. It was dark and they could have been looking anywhere. I just got shook.”

“And maybe it’s the Neanderthal in me, but I want you to be extra cautious. Look, I’m not trying to increase your anxiety but as a woman, you have to stay alert. Your bar got vandalized with graffiti, you’ve had a run in with a patron… when in doubt trust your gut.”

“You’re freaking me out a little.”

“Don’t mean to do that, but I care a lot about you, and I need you to be safe. Don’t be paranoid, just pay attention.” His eyes narrowed, “That reminds me, some guy stopped in looking for you the other day, when Joe and I were moving the statue. Wouldn’t give a name just said he was an old friend.”

Faye’s brows drew together. “What did he look like?”

“Tall, dark hair, dressed like a hipster.” Jesse grinned, lifting one shoulder.

“Great, you could be describing my ex.” Worry clouded her features.

“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” He held out his arms. “Come here.” She stepped inside his embrace and buried her nose into his chest, breathing in his maleness. It comforted her. He was solid and strong. She relaxed.

Her voice muffled against his shirt she said, “I feel safe with you…sheltered.”

“Your ex live around here?”

“No, he’s in New Zealand. At least that’s where I left him.”

“Pretty safe bet that it wasn’t him then.” He leaned back and tipped her chin up, studying her face.

“Why don’t you take the day off? You have to work late tonight, and I don’t really need you for anything that I can think of.”

“No, I’m okay. It’s better if I stay busy.” She yawned and stretched her arms overhead. “Nothing a good cup of coffee won’t fix. I’m going to paint over that graffiti today. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

“I can do that for you.”

“No! You have enough to do. That is something I actually can do.”

Jesse flashed his irresistible grin, “I’d rather have you around anyway. I was trying to be unselfish.”

“I like being with you too.” Her cheeks felt warm as she looked up at him, “Really that’s at the top of my list of favorite places to be.”

Jesse took a step back and theatrically put his hand to his chest, “Be still my beating heart.”

Faye giggled. “You’re so cheesy. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, my best friend Maddy is coming by with lunch at noon. She’s super excited to finally meet you.”

His eye’s sparkled with curiosity. “And just what have you told her about me?”