Faye was putting her hair up into a ponytail when Jesse walked into the kitchen. “Faye…” She glared up at him. “Hear me out.”
“What’s to hear out. You must think I’m a real ditz!”
“No, I don’t think that. But I honestly don’t know where you came up with the idea that I was underemployed.”
Crossing her arms, she arched her brows and said, “Oh really?”
“Really. Can you tell me when I ever said that?”
“I feel so stupid right now. I’m thinking that I’m helping you out and it turns out you’re rescuing me.” She stomped her foot, “I don’t want to be rescued! I want to make it on my own merit.”
He tilted his head. “I’m confused, what’s the difference between you hiring me or that other construction company that bailed on you?”
“They didn’t misrepresent themselves.”
“Neither did I. If I did, tell me how. What did I say?”
“How about today…earlier, when I was blathering on about giving you good recommendations? You must have been laughing so hard inside.” Tears shimmered in her eyes.
“Look I tried to correct you, but you interrupted me. Then the moment was gone.”
“I’m humiliated, embarrassed…I don’t need your charity.”
A tear escaped and ran down her cheek. Jesse felt like he’d been punched in the gut. He had to fight not to pull her into his arms. His voice soft and low, he said, “Faye, I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to tell you. I never intended to mislead you. You made the assumptions about me. I could be mad at you for thinking I was some dumb worthless schmuck.”
She impatiently brushed away her tears. “I don’t even know who you are. Why didn’t you tell me you built all those developments?”
“Because it never came up. You didn’t exactly ask for my resume. Besides, I still think of myself as a small family business.”
She glared at him, “Why did you even agree to lower yourself to work on a dive bar?”
“I’m not going to answer that and bury myself further.”
“Why? Is the truth that hard for you?”
“I wasn’t born yesterday. If I tell you why it will only piss you off more.”
“Was it because you felt sorry for me?”
“Partly,” seeing her stiffen he said, “Now hear me out. Yes, I felt bad for you. But it wasn’t pity. It was a macho guy thing as much as anything. There may have been some ego involved… I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for a beautiful woman in distress. You’re trying to get something going here. You were desperate and I wanted to help. End of story.”
“I assumed that since you could rearrange things so easily that you weren’t very busy, and you certainly didn’t say anything to make me think differently.”
“Let me get this straight. Now I’m responsible for your assumptions? I can maybe see where you came up with that idea, but it was never my intention to mislead you. I have a feeling this isn’t really about me anyway. You don’t have anything to prove to me.”
Her eyes narrowed, “Meaning?”
“Meaning that you’ve mentioned that your family doesn’t approve, and that you don’t have any support or help.”
She raised her chin, “That falls under the category of none of your business. And I still find it very odd that you never mentioned you owned a big construction company.”
“I was sitting in your bar with five guys that told you I was their boss. As I recall, initially I didn’t volunteer for the job. I was going to give you references.”
Her mouth opened in surprise, then Jesse could see the lightbulb go off. “Oh um…that’s true. You didn’t.”
“Did I really act like I was trying to hide something?”