She pulled her tee shirt collar aside to reveal a second elegantly scripted cursive tattoo. It sat right under her collar bone. “This one’s my favorite, Sometimes when you fall you fly…my daily reminder.”
“See you in a couple of weeks Ty. I’ll be giving you a call.”
He jammed his hands in his front pockets again and left without another word.
“Awkward,” Jesse said.
“He was darling! Just nervous. Poor kid. His first job search,” Faye said.
“Seemed like a tool,” Jesse argued.
“He’s young. Aren’t most young guys full of themselves? And don’t you go judging a book by its cover. His bravado is covering up his insecurities.”
Jesse’s eyebrows rose, “And you got all that from a five-minute conversation?”
“Yes, I told you I’ve got a sixth sense about people.”
“If it were me, I’d be crossing him off the list of potential employees.”
“There was something about him… I can’t really put my finger on it, but I’d like to give him a chance. I have a feeling he hasn’t had too many of those.”
Jesse’s eyes were pools of warmth, “That’s one of the many things I like about you. Not only do you have looks and brains, but you’re also kind.” He stared at her lips, “He’s probably okay. His timing was a little off, but I won’t hold that against him.”
Faye felt her cheeks grow warm and her pulse raced, “Well I’d best get going or this day will be shot.”
“Yeah, you best,” he said in a low sexy voice.
“I won’t be gone long.”
“I’ll be here.”