“What was your wish?”
“Not telling.”
“You’re allowed to tell. That’s only a superstition that it will jinx the wish.”
Jesse laughed, “And the wish itself isn’t superstitious at all, right?”
She smiled, “Course not. Have you lost your magic Jesse Carlisle?”
“At one time I had, but then I ran into a sexy secret billionaire and the magic returned. Which is why, I’m not telling you my wish. Our family believes it goes against the spell to tell anyone your wish.” Jesse squinted. “What about you? Did you make a wish?”
Her dimples appeared as she flashed a wide smile. “Not telling. Just in case.”
“Maddening,” he said, kissing the top of her head.
She was sandwiched between his legs, leaning against his chest and his arms were wrapped around her. She became lost in thought, thinking about a conversation she’d had earlier when Kyle had pulled her aside. It was some pretty big news and it still had her reeling.
With a little arm-twisting from Kyle, their father had agreed to put a ten-million-dollar trust fund, originally intended for Marcus, in Tyler’s name, to be transferred to him on his twenty-first birthday. Since Kyle was the family attorney, he’d been the one to draw up the documents. Her father had also offered up an apology of sorts by inviting her and Jesse to come visit them in Palm Springs after tourist season died down.
She was beyond gobsmacked. Just thinking about it brought tears to her eyes. Everything seemed make her teary these days. Kyle had also convinced him to pay for Tyler to go to college if he was interested. Faye was going to make sure that he was.
“Everything all right?” Jesse whispered in her ear.
It amazed her… how he got her. He always knew. “Yeah, why?”
“You got so quiet.”
“Just taking it all in. I’ve got some big news I’ll share later. Has to be kept on the downlow. For now.”
“Good or bad?” He nuzzled her neck.
“Real good.”
“That’s all I need to know.”
Tyler got up pulling Addison with him, then he brushed the sand from her back side, and she returned the favor. “We’ve got to go.”
“Thanks for everything. This was the best party I’ve ever been too!” Addison said.
“Yeah, what she said,” Ty agreed.
“I’ll see you guys Tuesday when we re-open,” Faye said.
“Yep, back to the grind.”
“Be prepared, we’ll probably have loads of extra business, the looky-loos wanting to visit the scene of the crime. Just like a Dateline episode.” Faye said.
“Sick.” Ty grumbled.
“We may as well get something good out of it,” Jesse said.
“Tyler, tell your mom we’re sorry she couldn’t make it. One of these days we’re going to convince her to join us.” Faye said.
“I’ll tell her you said that.”
After they left, everyone else began making moves to go. Jesse and Faye were the last to leave, staying behind to help with the cleanup.
Faye hugged Ruby extra tight as she said goodbye. “Bye Ruby, Hank, you guys are the very best!”
Ruby whispered in her ear, “You remember what I said.”
“Cross my heart,” Faye replied.
Jesse picked his mom up in a big bear hug while she giggled and demanded he put her down. Hank smiled, wearing his big heart on his sleeve, as he stared adoringly at his wife of forty years.
As they pulled away on Jesse’s motorcycle, his parents stood in the driveway waving them off.