Like last time, Faye had to admit, the Carlisle clan sure knew how to throw a party. Her whole family had made it. That is, everyone but her parents, whom she’d left off the invitation list. There was plenty of time to introduce them later.
She was still taking it easy, so she and Ruby cheered for the volleyball teams from the sidelines. Finn and Jess’s niece Matilda were playing in the pool with Big Hank, while the rest of the group fought for the bragging rights of the volleyball championship.
Her heart felt achy but full in her chest as she watched the people she loved most in the world gathered in the same place at the same time. As before, the Carlisle lines were drawn, Dylan and Connor teamed against Jesse and Sam. Kyle, Ella, Ty and Addison teamed up with Jess, while Griffin, Dylan’s wife Jen, and Maddy joined team Dylan.
Ruby patted Faye’s arm. “Your brothers are certainly handsome devils. That Griffin, he could be a movie star. Makes even a granny like me swoon. Why if I were forty years younger, Hank would have to worry,” she cackled.
“Please don’t let Griffin hear you say that. His head is already big enough.”
“He seems like a charming young man.”
“Three words…baby, billionaire, playboy. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t get me wrong, I love him to death, but he’s just a tad bit spoiled. I may have contributed to that.”
Ruby laughed, “I’ll keep it to myself.” She looked at Faye out of the corner of her eye.
“You know Jesse really cares for you. I’ve never seen him like this.”
Faye smiled, “I care for him too, Ruby. If you’re asking me what my intentions are with your son, I’m in it for keeps. I’m in love with him.”
“Have you told him that,” she asked kindly.
“Not in those words, but I think he knows.”
“People need to hear it. My son, well… he comes off as confident, he’s as good looking as all get out, girls were always crazy about him, but… he’s my sensitive one. He was always rescuing baby birds, bringing strays home, he’s got the kindest heart…just like my Hank.”
Faye reached for Ruby’s hand and squeezed it. “That’s why I love him. You did a great job of raising strong sensitive men that respect women. Thank you Ruby. I take it we have your blessing?”
“We love you Faye. I knew the first time I met you that you were perfect for my Jesse. He’s head over heels in love with you.”
Faye’s eyes shimmered with tears. “Ruby, you know the first time I met you, when I left here, I almost bawled my eyes out. You were all I’d ever dreamed about as a little girl. You were the mama I’d wished I’d been born to. I’m not trying to put my own mama down. She did the best she could. Motherhood just didn’t come natural to her…not in her DNA. I’m not sure I deserve Jess, or you and Hank, I’m working on that. Thank you for accepting me.” Ruby looked at her with such maternal warmth that Faye’s tears spilled over.
“Darling Faye, you deserve everything good that comes your way. I’m an excellent judge of character, and so is my son. If I’d have handpicked his mate, it would have been you. Hank feels the same. I never want to hear another word about deservin’ from you again. Ya hear me?” Faye wiped her tears and smiled shyly.
“I hear.”
“Jesse tells me they caught those guys that clunked you over the head.”
“Yes, and it was all over drugs. Turns out that our statue was stuffed with about fifty pounds of meth…street value over half a million dollars. They’d been smuggling drugs and using my bar as a place to store them until they could be distributed. Me buying that building really messed it up for them. They hadn’t been able to get their hands on Sasquatch before I had him shipped off to be painted. Imagine their panic when they couldn’t find him during the break in.”
“Jesse said that photograph of you three tipped them off.”
“Yes. The night that guy was killed at my bar, he said he’d come back to check out Ty, but we’re pretty sure it was really about the statue. What Ty owed was small potatoes compared to all that meth they’d misplaced. I’m sure their hide was on the line.”
“Oh my! You’re lucky you weren’t killed over it.”
“Someone up above is looking out for me,” Faye agreed.
* * *
Much later, they all sprawled around the campfire, bellies full, but not so full that there wasn’t room for smores. By this time Matilda was acting like a bossy big sister to Finn, who was eating it up. They were in charge of roasting the marshmallows and Matilda ran a tight ship.
Griffin and Maddy had left earlier, Maddy had to work the next day and Griffin supposedly had a hot date waiting. The couples were now paired up, much teasing and laughter being shared. It was a hot summer night and the sky was star-filled, the ocean breeze and sound of the surf a perfect backdrop to a perfect gathering. The kids had excitedly called out when they saw a shooting star and made a big deal out of making a wish, just as Faye had done as a child…and still did.
“Did you see the falling star?” she asked, looking up at Jesse through her lashes.