Page 109 of Secret Billionaire

“How about her friend?” Jesse asked.

“She’s fine. Not even a concussion. She says she never completely lost consciousness, just got her ‘bell rung’ quote unquote.” He smiled. “I’ll be here for another couple of hours, but the nurses know I’m available by phone if I’m needed. By the way. I just heard that the storm has changed its course and is heading back out to sea.”

“Great news! And Doc, thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Don’t forget to tell Ella what I said.”

“I won’t. Did you know we’re pregnant with twins?” Kyle said.

Andy Thompson’s eyes widened in surprise then a smile spread across his face, “Congratulations. I don’t think I need to tell you, you’re one lucky man. Ella is something special.”

Kyle nodded his head, “Yes, I don’t know what I did to deserve her but I’m not questioning it.”

He gave Faye an encouraging smile, “You might have a headache for a few days. I recommend over-the-counter acetaminophen, but your concussion is a very mild one. Take it easy, listen to your body, and you’ll be as good as new in no time.” He pivoted on his heels and briskly left the room with the nurse following him out.

Faye smiled weakly at Jesse and Kyle. “I’m sorry to put you guys through this. What happened?”

“What do you remember?” Jesse asked.

Faye’s brows drew together, “I remember realizing I hadn’t boarded up the back window, so when Maddy got home we went over to do that. We went inside and that’s the last I can recall. Who found me? What happened?”

“Some men followed you in, apparently hit you over the head, and made off with the statue.”

“Sasquatch? Why would they want to take him?”

“Good question," Kyle said. “We have no idea. Here’s the part that gets even more bizarre. Julian was there and saw you go in, followed by the men, when they came out and you guys didn’t, he went inside and found you lying unconscious. He said Maddy was already awake, so he wasn’t worried about her. He claims he was taking you to the ER when Jesse showed up and they brought you here.”

Faye’s eyes were huge in her pale face. She looked at Jesse, “Is this true?”

“Yep, but I’m not entirely convinced he would have brought you here if I hadn’t shown up. I guess we’ll never know.”

“Where’s Julian now?”

“In the waiting room. He managed to get the license plate of the men that did this to you. The police issued an APB. The storm isn’t helping any, but at least we have something to go on.”

Jesse held onto her hand stroking it with his fingers. Faye brought his hand to her lips. “I’m going to be fine, but you look like you just buried your favorite puppy.”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “I think this shaved about ten years off my life.”

“God, I hope not!” she said, laughing. She grimaced and put a hand to her head, causing Jesse to jump up from his seat.

“Are you okay? Should I call the nurse?”

Faye held up her hand, “No I’m fine. My brain’s just rattled.”

Kyle said, “You should get some rest. I’m heading out. I love you sis,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. “I’ll let Julian know how you’re doing on my way out.”

Tears shimmered in Faye’s eyes. “Okay. Tell him I got his note and that I understand and tell him I said goodbye.”

“I’ll tell him. I’ll also tell him as grateful as we are, I’ll be escorting him to the airport myself on the next flight out of here.”

Faye smiled, “That will be so sweet!” Then she closed her eyes.

“I’ll be here until she gets released. I’ll update you if anything changes,” Jess said.

Kyle gave him a quick hug. “Thanks. I’m glad Faye has you.”
