Faye’s eyes widened in shock when she saw Kyle and Tyler standing under the arbor.
“Ty!” she shouted as she scrambled out of the pool. She ran over to Tyler and hugged him with her dripping wet body, laughing and crying at the same time. “You’re here.”
“Thanks to Kyle. He’s a badass!”
“I told you.”
Jesse walked over wrapping his beach towel around his waist. “Dude.”
“Dude,” Tyler said, grinning.
Jess’s voice was thick with emotion as he said, “Man is it ever good to see you.”
Ty shrugged and looked down, “The security tape cleared me.”
Faye gasped, “It did?”
“Yep, showed the whole thing. It also showed your ex snooping around in the middle of the night, but not last night.”
Faye arched her brows as she looked at her brother. “So, Ty is completely in the clear?”
“Yes. The video shows the whole thing. There was some kind of scuffle, the victim fell and hit his head on a metal cleat. The murder probably wasn’t intentional. Shows the other guy throwing him off the dock and hightailing it out of there. Problem for him came because the victims clothing got snagged so he didn’t float out to sea. We still don’t know why they were there in the first place.”
“Ty recognized the other guy from the good old days. Saw him with the vic once; he was waiting in the car when they were making an exchange.”
“I brought a still shot for you to look at…see if you recognize him,” Kyle said as he pulled out the photo.
Faye gasped and held a hand to her throat, “Jess, it’s the guy from the boat, the one who insisted on using my dock and entrance.”
Jesse looked down and said, “I’ll be damned. That’s him all right.”
“Unfortunately, we don’t know who he is, or where he came from, but he claimed he’d been using my dock for convenience and was mad that I’d bought the place and ruined his perfect setup,” Faye said. Faye’s eyes narrowed deep in thought. “Now that we know those two were connected and both seemed to be lurking around my bar, the next question is why? They showed up way before Ty did, so that connection has to be a coincidence.”
Kyle smiled at Ella and pulled her against his side before saying, “It’s possible they were using your place for their drug operation and that would surely have pissed them off when you blew it by buying the place.”
“That’s the most obvious reason. But why keep showing up when their setup was blown?” Ty said. He looked past them, and a dazzling smile lit up his face.
She rushed over, “Faye called and invited me. I hope that’s okay?”
“Are you kidding me?” He grabbed her up in a bear hug and lifted her off her feet.
He leaned down and planted a kiss on her surprised open lips. He kept his arm slung across her shoulders as they discussed different scenarios.
“Bottom line, we won’t know until the guy is caught. He’s probably long gone by now,” Jess predicted.
“Ella can you go grab some swim trunks for Ty? The rest of you can take a dip while I start the grill.” Kyle said.
Faye’s eyes sparkled as she teased, “I’d never thought I’d see the day my big brother would be so domesticated. I love it.”
“I won’t argue with you. I’m smart enough to know that I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. Ella is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving to her that she picked the right guy. It took a lot of convincing to get her to give me a chance.” He squeezed her before she left to grab the swimsuit. Kyle watched her, his eyes warm pools of love.