“Dad always says make it quick, just jump,” Finn said.
Jesse jumped into the air and tucked his body into a cannonball and yelled “Yee haw!” as he plunged, spraying Faye from head to toe. She shrieked as the cold water splashed her.
“You’re toast now!” Faye said, before diving in.
Finn cheered Faye on as she chased Jesse, finally catching up and jumping on his back to pull him under. They wrestled, their water slicked skin making them both even hotter. Faye’s knee accidently brushed against his hardness and she let out a little gasp, “Oh!”
“I would like to kiss every inch of you right now,” he whispered.
She bit her lip then dove under again and swam over to Finn.
“Aunt Faye, can you pretend to be my horse?”
“Sure, hop on.”
Jess floated over and said, “But Finn, wouldn’t you rather ride a wild stallion?”
Faye sputtered with laughter and Finn said, “Yes.”
“You little traitor. See if I ever let you saddle me up again.”
Finn giggled and wrapped his scrawny arms around Jesse’s neck, holding on tight while Jess called, “Hold your breath I’m going under.”
With a powerful kick he dove under and as graceful as a dolphin swam to the other end with Finn laughing in delight when they resurfaced.
“That was dope!” Finn said.
“Um where have I heard that before?” Jess said, as it reminded him of why they were there in the first place. Ty.
“Ella says that Dad is going to bring Ty home.”
“Yes, I have no doubt.”
“Maybe he’ll be here in time to eat with us.”
“That would be pretty great Finn.” Jess said, “Hold your nose.”
Finn’s eyes got wide and he grinned from ear to ear. Jesse’s picked Finn up over his head and threw him high into the air.
He made a big splash then came up sputtering, “Do that again!”
Jesse tossed him a few more times until he realized Finn would never grow tired of this game. “Buddy my arms are getting tired. I’m going to have to take a break.”
“Aunt F-a-y-e…your turn.”
“I think Jesse should throw you a few more times. I’m enjoying the view.”
He winked at her, “One more time just for your Aunt Faye.”
Finn surfaced sputtering, shaking his hair like a dog after a bath. He rubbed the water out of his eyes with his fists, then his eyes lit up.