Page 103 of Secret Billionaire


Faye rocked in Jesse’s arms, inconsolable. After only thirty minutes of questioning, the officer in charge had read Ty his rights, cuffed him and taken him into custody. Despite Kyle’s reassurances that he’d be released on bail, it had shattered her to see him being hauled away. All she could see was his stricken face, utterly defeated. When she’d asked him about notifying his mom, he’d lost it. His strangled ‘no, please Faye,’ had been tormented.

He was in Kyle’s hands now and she had to let go. There was nothing to do. Since the Pelican was now a crime scene, she couldn’t re-open until forensics had done their thing.

They’d taken the video from the security cameras and Faye prayed they’d find evidence to vindicate Ty. Poor Addison had been beside herself and her best friend had come to pick her up. She’d promised to keep in touch. Now the hard part…waiting.

Faye’s cell phone rang and seeing it was her sister-in-law Ella, she picked up.

“Hey,” Faye said.

“How are you holding up?”

“Not so good. It’s just so unfair.”

“I know but Kyle is the best and he’ll get him out.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Faye, why don’t you and Jesse come over and wait with Finn and me? We can hang out by the pool and be miserable together. And our company left so we have tons of food I don’t want to go to waste.”

“I don’t know…I just don’t feel like doing anything right now.”

“I know, but it will be good for all of us. Finn would love to see you and Jess and so would I. We haven’t had any time together since you bought the bar…please?”

Sniffling, Faye said, “I suppose… let me check with Jess.”

“Yes, to whatever it is,” he said.

“I guess it’s a go.”

“Bring your swimsuits.”

“Okay. We’ll see you soon.”

The ride over, sitting tucked behind her man with the wind in her face, had helped clear her head. Ty was innocent, she knew that, and she also knew her big brother was fierce in battle. He was in good hands. That’s what she intended to cling to.

“Aunt Faye, Jesse! Come play with me!” Finn yelled, as he held onto his noodle, splashing water with each kick.

Faye smiled affectionately at her nephew. He was so dang adorable, who could resist. “We’ll be right there.”

Now that Ella didn’t have on clothing to disguise her baby bump, it was obvious she was pregnant. She still rocked her bikini but there was a decided swell to her belly above her bikini bottom. It was so beautiful to see. She wondered if she’d ever be lucky enough to have what Ella and Kyle had. They were so happy together and such a tight family unit. She hoped so.

“I’m going to grill some burgers and brats when we’re ready to eat. I have potato salad made up, chips, and a homemade key lime pie. Can I get either of you anything now?”

“No rush but I’ll have a bottle of water when you get a chance,” Faye said.

“Me too,” Jess said.

“Two waters coming up. Finny, do you need anything?”

“Nope, just somebody to play with,” he said.

“We’re coming already,” Faye grumbled, her lips curving up in a smile.

Faye watched as Jess peeled off his white tee-shirt, her gaze drifted over his body resting on his strong thighs…remembering their lovemaking the night before.

He caught her staring and his eyes smoldered and heated her skin as he returned the favor and watched her strip down to her bikini. He reached for her hand and they walked to the pool’s edge. Faye dipped her toes in, testing the temperature of the water.