Ty visibly stiffened as Kyle studied him. “On second thought, I’d like a word alone with my client before you proceed, would you excuse us please?”
“Have at it,” Officer Randall said, waving her arm wide.
“Come on, son, let’s go outside where we can have some privacy.”
Ty got up, hands in his pockets, and followed Kyle outside.
“I’m royally screwed dude.”
“Talk to me Ty. Who was this guy to you?”
“From my past. I wound up in juvie for dealing. He supplied the dope. When I got busted, I owed him money. Couldn’t pay it back. First time I saw him in the bar I thought he was there to find me, turns out he’d been there before I started working for Faye. He came in last night, rubbed me the wrong way, I lit into him. The rest is history.”
“Unfortunately, it’s not history. They’ll be gunning for you. The faster they can wrap it up into a neat bow the better for them. You’ve got to help us point them in a different direction. Who supplied to him, who he hung out with, anything you can remember.”
“He said he’d seen the photograph of Faye, Jesse and me posing with that statue. It’s in those tourist rags all over town. He said he wanted to come in and see for himself if it was really me.”
“You were his mule but who was he working for. He had to be low on the food chain. Who’d want him dead and why?”
“How would I fucking know?”
“Let’s get something straight right now. I’m here to help you. I’m on your side. Got that?”
“Why would you believe me anyway?”
“Two reasons, one, I trust my sister and two, I trust my own instincts. You might have a chip on your shoulder, but you’re not a murderer. I’d bet my law degree on that.”
Ty didn’t know how to respond. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to drum up the past. “Listen, I was only fifteen, it was pot for Chrissakes, I didn’t hang out with the slimeball. I remember him mentioning that if I was interested in expanding my brand, he could supply me with just about anything I wanted to deal. He mentioned that there was good money in meth. I told him no way. Pot was it for me.”
“Was he always alone?”
Ty closed his eyes in concentration, “One time there was someone waiting in the car. Gnarly, covered in tats, older than dirt.”
“Could you pick him out of a lineup if it came down to that?”
“Don’t know man. It was so long ago.”
“Okay, we’re going back in there. Be honest but don’t elaborate on anything. Make it short and sweet. No feelings, opinions, just the facts. Think you can handle that?” Kyle asked, kindly.
Kyle clapped Ty on the back and said, “Let’s get this initial interview over with. I can’t make any promises about how they’ll proceed but if they do take you into custody, don’t freak out. I’ve got your back and I’ll make your bail.”
Tears glistened in Ty’s frightened eyes, reminding Kyle that underneath his defensive bravado was a terrified eighteen-year-old kid.
Ty nodded and followed Kyle back into the bar.
They were greeted by three more officers who been added to the mix. Officer Randall had acquiesced her role as interrogator and an older officer with a shaved head and serious scowl was now asking the questions.
Kyle whispered to Ty, “Easy now.”
Ty looked up at him with a glimmer of trust in eyes that were mirror images of his own. Something twisted in Kyle’s gut. He would do everything in his power to keep this kid safe. He smiled reassuringly then said, “It’s show time.”