Page 101 of Secret Billionaire

“No, just from serving him here.”

“What can you tell me about last night?”

Tyler sat with his arms crossed tightly over his chest, His eyes downcast and his jaw set. Addison’s hand rested on Ty’s thigh. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. Faye glanced at him before continuing.

“The first time I served him I practically had to kick him out. When I closed up and left for the night, he was waiting outside the bar, acting threateningly. Fortunately, Mr. Carlisle was there to intercede so nothing more happened. He was here a couple other times before last night.”

“Tell me everything you remember pertaining to last evening.”

“Well, he hadn’t been in the bar long,” she glanced at Ty and hesitated before continuing.

“Go on,” the officer encouraged.

“He’d just ordered his first beer when Ty, who works for me” she nodded her head at him, “came from the back with cases of beer to refill the cooler.”

“They exchanged words, he provoked Ty, making insinuating remarks about myself and Addison, who is a waitress here. Ty is very protective of us and unfortunately, he let the guy bait him. A tussle ensued and some blows were exchanged. Jess broke up the fight and he left on his own accord, with an ice pack and a bloody nose. That was the last time we saw him,” a sob caught in her throat, “Until Jess found him this morning.”

She had been jotting down notes then she turned to Tyler. “Can you tell me your version? Why did he pick you to spar with? I want an account of the full verbal exchange between the two of you.”

Faye jumped in, “My brother is an attorney, Kyle Bennett, and he’s on his way. I think its best that he be present when you question Ty.”

“So you’re not going to talk without a lawyer? Got something to hide? We just need to ask a few routine questions. From all of you.”

“Look, Ty had a fight with the guy, and he winds up dead. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know he’ll be a suspect,” Faye said. “That doesn’t mean he’s guilty, it means we’ve watched enough cop shows to see where this is going.”

“Have it your way,” she said. “I’ll get the waitresses’ statement then Mr. Carlisle’s and hopefully the attorney shows up by then.”

Ty who had remained quiet throughout the exchange said, “I can answer your questions. I’ve got nothing to hide. I won’t say anything different either way.”

The cop forced a smile, “That’s a wise decision. If you haven’t done anything wrong, no need to complicate things.”

“Ty, I said no!” Faye said, her voice steely.

“Faye, I know what I’m doing. I’m not playing their game.”

Kyle stepped through the door coming in from the back entrance. Faye got up and practically flew into his arms. “Thank God!”

Kyle, seeing his sister’s stricken face, hugged her protectively, before slinging his arm across her shoulder and walking with her toward the small group.

“I ventured out to the crime scene before I came in, and I see you have the scene taped off. The coroner arrived as I was pulling in.”

The officer nodded hello. “Good to know. I’m officer Randall. I’ve already got the owner’s statement and was getting ready to question the employees.”

“I guess I’m here just in time then.”

Kyle carried himself with a self-assurance that brooked no argument. “Shall we proceed?”

Faye felt such relief at having her brother take over, that it felt like all the air had been sucked out of her. He must have jumped immediately in his car because he was dressed casually in faded jeans and a black tee shirt…with only flip flops on his feet. She was also aware that the police officer seemed slightly shell shocked; her brother just happened to be drop dead gorgeous and built like a Greek god. That had to give them a slight tactical advantage…at least it couldn’t hurt. His cobalt blue eyes were piercing in their intensity. Right now, he had them trained on Ty.