“What happened?” Ty said, eyes narrowed with concern.
Jesse looked at Faye and she nodded. “Ty, listen, when we got here, I took out the trash…and…there was a body,” Jesse said.
“What? Dude what do you mean a ‘body’?”
“I’m sorry—as in I found someone dead floating in the water right off the dock.”
“H…ol…y…shit! Faye are you all right?”
She nodded, “I didn’t see it. Jess stopped me from looking. It’s shocking enough in my imagination, I’m glad I wasn’t the one to find him.”
“The thing is Ty, I hate to tell you this, but it’s the guy you punched out last night. Your old supplier.”
Ty’s body coiled like a panther ready to leap, “Dave? I’ve got to get out of here man. Why didn’t you tell me that on the phone? Fuck! They’ll think it was me!” He turned to leave, and Jess grabbed his arm.
“Don’t do it man. You can’t run. You’ll look guilty as hell.”
His eyes were wide with panic, “Dude let me go! You know they’re going to pin it on me. I’ll hide out until they find who the real killers are. I can’t be locked up again…I just can’t!”
“You’ve got to calm down and think rationally. Yes, they’re going to have questions for you. But you didn’t do it. If you run or lie…well, they’ll only have one person in their crosshairs and that my friend, will be you. If you cooperate, they’ll be more likely to keep an open mind and do a full investigation.”
Tyler sat down heavily onto a chair and buried his face in his hands. His shoulder shook as he began to sob.
Faye’s heart broke into a million pieces. “Ty I will do everything in my power to make sure this isn’t pinned on you.” She leaned down and held him tightly to her. “You hear me? I’m going to call Kyle right now. He is the very best and he will help you.”
His voice muffled he said, “Why would he? Your whole family thinks I’m nothing but a trailer park lowlife.”
“No Ty, he doesn’t think that. He will do it.”
Addison who had stood silently taking it all in said, “Ty, if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for me. Listen to what they’re telling you. It’s the truth.”
They all looked at the door with dread when the police charged in. Jesse and Faye went to meet them at the entrance. Jess gave a brief summary of events then led them to the crime scene.
The minute they disappeared Faye dialed her brothers’ number. “Kyle, I need you to come down to the bar right away!”
“Sorry I can’t. We’re entertaining some friends and I’m in the middle of barbecuing chops. Can’t this wait until tomorrow?”
“No! It’s urgent.”
“What’s so urgent that it can’t wait?”
“A dead body, police and Ty could wind up as their main suspect.”
“I’m on my way.”
“Thank you. Be safe.”
He disconnected without saying goodbye and Faye felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted from her shoulders. Her big brother had always had her back and he’d have Ty’s back now. He was the best attorney around and he’d know the best way to handle things.
“Ty, Kyle is on his way. Don’t answer any questions until he gets here.”
The female officer came back inside and approached them. “Mr. Carlisle tells me the victim was a customer of yours?” she said, directing the question at Faye.
“Not a regular, but he’d been in here a couple of times since I’ve opened.”
“Did you know him outside of the bar?”