“It seems that there had been a change of heart in public opinion of Madden Cross after this video of his heartfelt apology and subsequent proposal went viral this morning. Everyone loves a happy ending and it seems that Prince Charming and his Cinderella will have theirs after all.”

My phone buzzed and when I looked, a text from Lindsay popped up. OMG I can’t believe you were that Cinderella and never even told me! Everyone is rooting for you guys! It’s like a real life fairy tale! Call me!

I glanced at Madden, trying to gage his reaction to all this.

His eyebrows were drawn down and he was frowning at something I couldn't see. My heart thudded dully against my ribs.

“I tried to tell you that people were filming us yesterday,” I said in a shaky voice. If he pulled away again, it was going to kill me.

His gaze snapped to mine and he shook his head. The softness was still there when he looked at me. “I don’t give a f**k what they think of me. I’m worried about you. About your crazy ex. The last time you were all over the news…” He closed his eyes and exhaled. “I think we need to go back to Boston and face him. You can get a restraining order put on him and if that bastard even looks at you, I’ll have his as**s thrown in jail.”

I stared at Madden. He wasn’t mad about the video. He hadn’t shut down like before. The only emotion I saw was outrage...on my behalf. He really had changed and all at once, the last of my doubts faded away. If he could face hostile public scrutiny, then I could do this. I could make sure that Jacob was out of the picture for good.

I had the life I wanted within reach, I just had to reach out and grab it.

“Okay, we can go back. No more running. It’s time to take back my life.”

* * *

I knew it was something I had to do if I ever wanted to feel safe, but walking into the courtroom to face Jacob sent cold waves of fear up my spine. The last time I’d seen him, he tried to kill me. Even writing it all down as part of the request for the restraining order made me feel sick.

The only thing that got me through it all was Madden. He was there to lean on and he kept reassuring me that after today, I’d never have to worry about Jacob ever again.

We sat down at the table to the left with the attorney Madden hired. He wanted to be sure that there were no loopholes and that Jacob would face severe consequences if he ever got close to me again.

I avoided looking across at the other table where Jacob sat. I knew he was alone and it didn’t surprise me at all. He was that arrogant. Judges and cops were notorious for backing each other up no matter what, and that’s what had me on edge today. What if the judge didn’t believe me? What if he denied the order?

Living my life looking over my shoulder was not something I wanted to do, especially now that everything was so good. Madden took my hand under the table and squeezed. His back was straight and confidence radiated from him.

The judge entered the courtroom and I stood with the others. Since Madden and I had been in the news so much, the judge barred media and the public from the hearing. The only other people in the room were a court reporter, the bailiff and a sheriff’s deputy.

The judge motioned for us to sit and read over the complaint. Five minutes later, he granted my request. We never even had to speak. He cited the affidavit that I had filled out and, along with Madden's corroboration and a complaint that had been filed against Jacob from someone he’d arrested a few months ago (and disciplinary action since taken by Jacob’s commander), the judge saw enough evidence to grant me what I asked.

Sweet relief filled me and I sat back and smiled. It was over now.

The most surprising part was the Jacob hadn’t even argued against it. He had sat there and listened and now we were all leaving. It was strangely civil. As I started past Jacob, he looked up. His eyes burned with unconcealed rage. He pushed his chair back slowly and dread pooled in my stomach. Madden was talking to the attorney and didn’t notice.

The bailiff must have seen him though and stepped to Jacob’s side, saying something that I couldn't hear. Jacob nodded and smiled. Then faster than I could follow he lunged at the bailiff and shoved him to the floor. When he spun around to face me, there was a gun in his hand.

Everything around me slowed. I could see the grin of triumph on his face. I heard Madden shout somewhere behind me. The sound of the gun exploded in my head. I waited to feel the impact. Waited for the pain.

Madden wrapped his arms around me from behind and spun me around so that his body was between me and my psychotic ex. Two more shots echoed in the room. The smell of sulfur filled my lungs and tears burned my eyes. Why didn’t it hurt?