Page 118 of Wicked Knight

“Don't be. We wouldn't normally do this on a first session, but I understand why you'd like to give it a try.”

He's going to try and hypnotize her.

I've seen stuff like this on TV shows and movies and thought it was completely crazy, but Dr. Parker explained that this would be nothing like that.

He said he’d be trying to dive deeper into her memories. He likened hypnosis to trying to find something you’d lost and retracing your steps.

When he explained it like that, it didn't seem so kooky. I guess we're yet to see the results from this session.

“All I want you to do today is take things slowly.” Dr. Parker says. “We're not going to do anything drastic. We're just going to explore your dream and try to flesh out some of the things you remember. Do you have any questions about that?”

He grabs his notepad and looks at her.

Mackenzie shakes her head. “I guess I just have to get started.”

“If anything feels uncomfortable, we'll stop. We also won't do too much or anything that feels like it might put you in a situation where you will be afraid.”

“That sounds doable.”

“Okay, let's get started. Do you mind if I record this?” He grabs his recorder.

“That’s okay.”

“We’ll begin with some deep breathing exercises.”

As he instructs her to breathe, I think of all the possibilities that lay before us.

Mackenzie already gave me all the details of what she saw.

I knew the shirtless man with the tattoo was Eric because I was with him when he got that tattoo.

Die trying to live.That’s the English translation. We thought it would be cooler to have it inked in Latin.

How could the man who inspired me to do so much be part of this?

But is he part of it? Mackenzie didn’t say Eric stabbed Tommy.

But that's the connotation.

I keep wanting to push the idea out of my head, but there's a feeling in my heart that tells me we’re on to something true.

When would she have seen that tattoo if not for that day?

She's only met Eric about twice and he was wearing a suit, not shirtless.

Also, and more importantly, during that time, he was supposed to be away.

What if he came back?

I need to look into that.

And as much as I hate to even contemplate this, I may need to speak to my father.

I don’t know what I’ll say to him but I’ll have to find a way.

Mackenzie's hand loosens in mine and I look back at her. She looks relaxed from the breathing exercises. Almost like she's sleeping.

“Okay, Mackenzie, here's what I want you to do,” Dr. Parker intones. “We're going to explore the dream, but you're going to think of it as something you're watching, like a TV show or like you're in the park watching it happen to somebody else. I want you to describe everything you see. Start with the first thing that comes to your mind and take it slowly.”