Page 108 of Wicked Knight

My heart stops beating in my chest as I realize what this is. This is because of the other day. It looks like he did suspect I was with Dmitri.

“What do you want to know?”

“Oh, please. You saw me watching you. See I think there’s something going on between you and Dimitri Valneko. Am I right?”

My skin is on fire. “No.” I can't tell the truth. He'll probably kill me if he knows.

“I think you’re lying.” To my horror, he slaps me across my face. “I hate liars.”

Another hard slap bruises my cheek. I scream out in pain as blood pours out of my nose and I see stars.

“Tell the truth. Are you fucking him?” He snarls, slapping me again and again.

I slump on the ground, my knees hitting the floor hard.

Just when I think I'm gonna pass out, he sends a kick to my midsection.

I realize why he only chained one arm up to the wall. It was so he could do this to me, mangle me and hurt me even more, then watch me flop like a rag doll with no hope in hell of escaping him.

“You’ll learn soon enough that you aren't going to fool me, Mackenzie, Domachenkov.”

He's about to hit me again when someone grabs his arm, then they grab his neck, then they're hoisting him in the air.

Through the blur of my tears, I realize my savior is Dimitri.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I've always wanted to get my hands on this fucking creep.

Ryan scrambles in my grasp and tries to strike back, but he's defenseless against someone like me.

My hulkish presence, muscle and strength would obliterate him.

I'm actually holding back, even though I'm fueled by rage at what he's done to Mackenzie.

She's on the floor, her face bruised and battered. She was doubled over when I got down here. Now she's looking up at me in a mess of blood and tears.

I could kill this guy with my bare hands.

I would do it even though the punishment for me would be death too.

The only reason I’m not killing his ass is I want to live for the girl on the floor who needs me.

That doesn't mean I won't make this motherfucker pay for what he's done.

Kade, Alek, and Logan. Rush up to me. They were behind me.

When I first ran down the stairs, I saw Ryan disappearing down the corner with Mackenzie, and I decided to follow. The guys were with me when we heard her scream.

The scream was so loud, I'm not sure how the whole house didn't hear.

They probably didn't because we were halfway down the stairs. This section of the house is practically like a dungeon.

“Watch yourself, Dimitri,” Kade cautions when Ryan's face turns blue.

He’s helping Mackenzie, undoing her wrist from the latch on the wall.