Page 101 of Wicked Knight

He smiles, looking exactly like my father, or rather a version of my father that smiles. Usually when my father smiles it's for something sarcastic or cynical. So it's never really a real smile.

“It sounds amazing,” I say, smiling back at him.

“It truly is, son. I guarantee you’ll never experience anything quite like it.”

I appreciate his excitement and zest for life. I'm into adventure thrill seeking activities too, but it's been a while since I did anything. Football has taken up a lot of my time since I started at Raventhorn.

“Let's go check on that cake, Vanessa and leave the guys to talk,” Yuliana suggests, glancing at me.

Like always, she’s probably senses that I need Eric's good natured presence to drown out the dark cloud hanging over my father. It's a good step mom move on her part. So I appreciate it.

She and Vanessa leave and as Eric delves back into his talk about Everest I think back to this morning when I was with Mackenzie.

I may have no plan to speak of but I feel like I have an ace up my sleeve. The ace of hope. Sometimes things have to fall in place in dribs and drabs to work.

I hope that happens for me.

Eric laughter pulls me back to the conversation. The way he talks about his adventures would make anyone would think that was his job.

I've seen him in action at work, too at the company in Russia. He’s serious as fuck there and people are shocked when they find out about his obsession with the great outdoors.

He's the type of guy who can nail a deal, get any investment, and multiply it tenfold. He's renowned through Europe, and I often wonder if my father resents that.

He's never been like Eric. By the same token, Eric has never been like my father.

My grandfather was clear about splitting the duties in our family, so one son would rule Europe and the other would take care of business in the States.

They're both Knights but my father has gone up in rank more than Eric could have ever dreamed of. That gives him power over him.

“You guys should come with me next time,” Eric says looking from my father to me. “When was the last time we climbed anything Maxim?” He looks at my father again with a smirk.

“Several moons ago,” my father replies, his voice thin with displeasure.

“Then it's about time we change that, don't you think?”

“I'm afraid my climbing days are over, brother. But I'm sure Dimitri will oblige if he still values his family.”

His sarcastic sting bites, but I push it away.

“I'll be happy to join you,” I tell Eric.

“Wonderful. I'm thinking of Mount Kilimanjaro next fall. I think the weather would be perfect for you. It's all so beautiful at that time of year.” He glances at my father. “I think my climbing days might be over soon too. So let's take advantage of me while I can still do it.”

“Of course,” I say.

“Tell me about football.” Eric smiles, tossing me a marshmallow from the dish on the table. I catch it and eat it.

“Football is going good,” I reply. “I'm hoping to join the Patriots after graduation.

“Listen to you, I'm so proud of you. I'm sure your father is too.” He glances back at Father, who looks from me to him with that same sinister expression.

“Indeed,” he says eventually, but it's clear his words are forced. He doesn't feel anything close to what he's saying.

“Go on then, bring me up to speed,” Eric says and I do.

I talk about all my plans and fill him in on the upcoming championships.

While I talk Father watch me as if he's trying to catch me out in a lie.