Page 71 of Angel's Vengeance


That time, her name came through loud and clear, despite the ringing in her ears, but something was off about it.

When she was finally pulled to her feet, she realized why it sounded wrong.

Rhode hadn’t spoken it.Chrome, instead, had been the one to check her over and throw her behind his winged back while he scanned for any more surprises.

One by one, the rest of the angels cleared the scene and joined them.

But not Rhode.He was already gone.


Ascaly slab of lichen-riddled bark hung off the giant white oak tree as yet another mark of shame against the hundred-foot-tall behemoth.Over the past several weeks that Rhode had come to visit the thing at the North Woods Arboretum, the poor tree hadn’t improved much.At least, based on what he knew of trees, which was not a whole lot.The silver-tinged bark looked more flaky than fertile, but judging by the dieback on some of its lower branches, mites or other insects had been having a field day on its insides.

The giant fucking red X spray-painted across its midsection also served as a massive giveaway that this sucker was slated for the chipper.

That was new.Hadn’t been there the week before, nor the temporary placard detailing what would be coming into that part of the exhibit come springtime.

Because, of course, the mortals had to wait until the ground thawed before they could remove the tree and replace it with whatever pretty things people loved that didn’t need to be sullied by complicated feelings about longevity, perseverance, and acceptance despite appearance that the old tree conjured up.

Never had Rhode sympathized with a plant before or seen so much of himself in how hard the thing was fighting, despite getting constantly kicked between the roots just when one of its struggling branches had managed to show a bit of green for the first time in years.

But efforts didn’t matter, only actions, and just like the old oak slated for execution, longevity meant jack shit, as Chrome would say, if cancer decided to join the party.

Rhode fingered the peeling, dying bark and ripped it free of its tether.There wasn’t even a faint suggestion of green beneath.Nothing to offer appreciation for him removing the scab so the fresh stuff below could get its fair shot at some sunlight.If therewasany health left in the thing, the oak had little interest in making him aware of it.

Even the damn tree couldn’t trust him with its secrets.What a theme his life had taken on.

Two sets of approaching footsteps crunched through the hard pack of snow behind him.“Do you want to buy her a drink first before you start feeling her up like that?”

Chrome’s question was the sandpaper rubdown his skin had been avoiding since Neela had declared not only to his enemies but also his brothers that her trust did not go both ways.

“I wish to be alone,” Rhode replied.

“Too bad.”Iron’s curt exclamation was delivered with the authority of one used to being simultaneously unchallenged and also one who was really, really good when some fool did make the mistake and stepped up to challenge him.Either way, those two words held an expectation that Rhode wassonot in the mood to debate.

Chrome hinged over at the hips and squinted to read a nearby placard on what Rhode thought was a red maple, but then the sentinel shook his head in surrender when he got to the genus’ Latin name and popped a square of peppermint gum into his mouth.“Neela’s moving out.”

Rhode looked to the sky and clasped his hands behind his back to keep his composure at the mention of her name.“I can see why she would want to.”

“Into her own apartment.”

Rhode had to pause to check that his spine was still attached to his neck when he whipped his head in Chrome’s direction.“What?”

“The den wasn’t for her, she said.”Chrome held his palms up to stop the questions Rhode had at the ready.“And before you go grilling me for details, I’m telling you right now that I don’t have any.I only know it at all because Drea asked me to do a background check on the property management company that runs the apartment complex Neela’s interested in.Aside from that, I’m spectacularly out of the loop except for, and I quote, ‘when it comes to lifting the heavy shit on move-in day.’Seriously, those two have developed some sort of secret code language that even I can’t decipher.”The flush of red tingeing his complexion was the only giveaway to how frustrated the angel was over that fact.

To hell with it.Rhode let his shared aggravation come out in the question he’d just been told was pointless to ask.“Why are you letting her leave?”

Chrome scoffed.“I’m a thousand percent certain no one’slettingher do anything.”

“Why do you care?”Ever the astute asshole, Iron was brutally direct and deserving of one of those marksmanship badges the American military gave out to its most lethal snipers.

Rhode dodged the question about as well as he’d been dodging every thought of Neela since she’d revealed, while in his enemy’s arms no less, the personal role she’d had in his torture and how she hadn’t bothered to share any of that with her soul bond.All the times he’d been with her, around her, fuckinginsideher, and she still kept secrets from him.Abouthim.

As a spy, he would have appreciated her ability to hold out on dispelling information if not for the fact that he was at the center of said information.

No, she’d waited to air those particular gems until she had no other choice.Until she’d been exposed and had nowhere else to turn except toward the truth.