It was a dangerous game the spy in him loved to play, and just like everything he did when they were alone, it thrilled her to no end.
“No noises, little demon, or they’ll hear you.”The whispered reminder was only ever said once, but it was enough to last the hours that would follow.
Rhode would conquer her like a spy invading enemy territory knowing they might get caught at any moment.He’d strip her bare and chart every inch of her with his mouth.In certain areas, he’d take his time, using his tongue to map out the exact curvature of her calf or flare of her hip before it dipped into where his hands gripped her waist.When he’d finally slide into her, though, he always made sure that his mouth was on hers as he pulled her passion into him.The result was a balm to both their souls.Every time his hips curled and he’d thrust deeper into her, he chased away the darkened tendrils of a past that she never fathomed she could truly break free of.
It was a raw, primal gift and one she’d never tire of opening, even if it did come draped in the trappings of their situation rather than true sentiments.
Regardless, they had been the happiest days of her life, until Rhode declared the angels were planning another ambush on the entrance to Cyro’s hideaway.As in, the very one she and Rhode had just been ambushedat.
“The guy’s probably not even there anymore.Seriously,” Neela said over breakfast one morning.She was just working up a good schmear of scallion cream cheese on her everything bagel when the most asinine strategy to have ever been uttered nearly soured her already-tart fresh-squeezed orange juice.
Iron sighed and ran a heavy hand through his beard, looking for all the world like no amount of coffee or breakfast pastries could make his day better.“It’s called offense.We go in Kool-Aid Man style, take out anything that moves, grab the relic, douse the place in angel fire, and get back in time for dinner.”
“Yeah, except Cyro’s not an idiot, nor is he predictable.I’m willing to bet both slices of your turkey bacon that he’s no longer even there.One important thing to know about the charmers is that we moveconstantly.I don’t have to tell you how expendable we are.Trust me, if Cyro’s figured out that he’s on your immediate radar againandthat I’m with you, you can bet your ass he knows why and that he’s taken precautions to control the game.”Neela grabbed her fork and scooped up some capers out of the jar, while Rhode sat next to her silently sipping his coffee.“If I know him at all, not only is he not there anymore but the relic is with him.So you can Kool-Aid Man that place all you want, it won’t make a difference.”
A startled hush fell around the table.Neela had taken two whole bites before she realized that just maybe she was still ateensybitannoyed over how Iron had unquestioningly sided with Rhode during her little prison march earlier.
Great, Neela.Way to win friends and influence people.
“What I meant to say was?—”
Rhode settled his arm around her shoulders and began to knead away the knot of tension at the base of her skull that always flared up whenever lots of eyes were on her.She sank into his touch and was more than content to let him shut her up for a few moments.They had all been discussing things for a good hour, after all.But then a niggling idea floated to the surface, and damn if her mouth didn’t latch onto that thing and send it sailing throughout the room.
“Why not use me as bait?”
Rhode’s hand froze, and the chilly rumble of his voice hit her ear.“No.”
“No, wait, hear me out!”Holy shit, was she about to say this?Neela did a quick mental gut check.Yup, we’re doing this.All systems go.And then she turned to Rhode but addressed the rest of the table.“I know you’ve been fighting Cyro for ages, but I’ve lived with him nearly just as long.I know his habits, his preferences, even his motivations.I know what sets him off, and I also know how his mind works.Whatever offensive action you’re planning will be for a battle that, in his mind, he’s already fought, won, and has moved on from.He’s a futuristic thinker.It motivates every action he’s ever taken.”
Tungsten nodded thoughtfully.“It does make sense.All these years, he’s always been a step or two ahead.”
“Exactly!”Neela pointed out.“So why not do something he has no possible way to plan for?Draw him out.He knows I’m dangerous, not for what I can or can’t do but for what I represent.He’s looking for me in the same way he’s been looking for an answer on how to access the Empyrean.I’m a liability he can’t afford to have out in the world.”
“No.”Rhode’s audible snap to the word would have stiffened anyone else’s spine but not hers.
This could work.This is good.This is ...
“It’s not happening,” he said.
“Like hell it isn’t!”Neela threw her napkin on the table.
“I won’t deny the danger involved,” Tungsten added, “but I can see the merit to the plan.It’s not ideal, but we now have precautions Cyro doesn’t know about.”
Rhode stood from the table and flashed his teeth at the prime sentinel.“How can you possibly be entertaining this?”
Tungsten didn’t stand, opting for quiet composure instead of chaos.“Because it makes sense.Pure and simple.Neela’s right.We’ve done the ambush routine.I’m not saying it isn’t effective,” he said, holding his hand out to Iron in consolation, “but perhaps it’s no longer the right application for this circumstance.Think, brother.Think of all we have on our side.Not only can you command a celestial power Cyro doesn’t know you have, but you can do so to its fullest strength, along with metallic magic none of us can wield.Also, he doesn’t know what we know about Neela’s true origins or her abilities.The charmers at the amusement park didn’t live long enough to report back.Wedohave surprise on our side.Why not take advantage?”Tung’s eyes gentled.“Besides, do you really think I would even consider the idea at all if I didn’t think you could keep Neela safe better than anyone?”
“Rhode, please,” Neela said, grabbing his hand and holding it between hers.“Let me do this for you.For us.For your family.I promise you it will work.”
It was a long time before anyone broke the silence that had settled over the room.It was as if everyone was in some sort of mental standoff with each other, with imaginary guns held from both arms and aimed at whoever voiced the biggest threat.
It wasn’t so much a pregnant pause but a perennial one.But just when Neela couldn’t take it anymore, Iron stood from the table, swiped his breakfast sandwich to go, and said, “If we’re doing this, I better get as much done during the day as I can.Some of us still need to recharge at night, and if I’ve got to keep one eye out for Cyro and the other one making sure Rhode doesn’t go fucking postal because his soul bond has a death wish, then I’m going to need to have a goddamn geriatric bedtime.”Iron gestured at Rhode.“You know what to do.”Then he pushed his plate toward Neela before he grabbed his coffee and left.
It was a long time before Rhode finally broke the silence.
“I can’t tell you how much I hate that you’re right,” he said as he pulled Neela against him and settled her head beneath his chin.“I hate it so damn much, little demon.”The defeat in his voice was palpable.Then his tone quickly turned predatory.“But not more than I want to fight for you.I trust you, but I know better than to ever expect you to trust me back.”
The raw truth of his words felt like venom on her skin, a symptom of the barrier that he always erected between them.She snuggled farther into his chest regardless.“Is it so hard to trust each other?”